I’ve just noticed, that all BetterDocs styles are added to the homepage code (and are not loaded from the external file). Here is a small demo the code (which is a lot bigger really): https://prnt.sc/rvrxnx
How can I have BetterDocs styles loaded from the external file, so it does not clutter the homepage’s code?
]]>but when i try an external file:
i get a blank.
i need to try and integrate an external KML file as we want to pull in a dynamic feed from a Garmin account (the above was just an example)
]]>I checked the source with chrome in my android.
The script tag for the enqueued script file is like below:
<script type='text/javascript' src='script.js?ver=1.0'></script>
But I think it should be like below to execute.
<script type='Javascript' src='script.js?ver=1.0'></script>
How should I change the type in mobile only?
If I create a custom CSS file and choose “External File” that means that it creates a .css file in my website’s directory files and it won’t be implemented on my website until I <link> it to a certain page?
]]>function hello() {alert ('Hello world!');}
<script type="text/javascript" src="/updatepage.js" </script>
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- hello(); --></script>
When I refresh the page, I don’t get the alert.
I’m working up to having the alert message show with every WordPress heartbeat, but one step at a time.
Is it possible to wrap a wordpress theme (header, sidebar and footer) around a separate php file (productinfo.php). I don’t need this product information to be a part of wordpress, i just need to have links to this product info and i want to make it look like its part of the website.
My end goal is to visit mywordpresssite.com/productinfo.php?ID=1 and this will load up the information and look like it is part of wordpress.
]]>I am particularly interested in whether it will work with bbPress (the WP plugin version of bbPress) – I see in the previous topic that you believe it should work with bbPress. Good!
My suggestion: As an alternative to the back-end plugin page’s ‘Keywords to Remove’, I suggest also allowing the Admin to designate a separate file that contains this word list. (The file would have a path, I’d imagine referenced from the WP installation root).
Reason: It is unsettling to actually look at a full-blown list of profanity terms; it does not bother me overmuch, but I think this is very troubling to a co-Admin who has occasion to work on our site. A separate list allows for functionality, but without confronting the list itself.
Just a thought. Thanks again.
]]>1. We have a crossword on our website that a piece of software makes for us. From the program we also have exported a print-ready html file. We would like your plugin to link to our html file and show a preview of it through a pop-up, allowing the user to print it.
2. We have an Adobe Illustrator image that we would like to print. We would like to use your plugin to link to our image and show a preview of it through a pop-up, allowing the user to print it.
I have been able to create some of this functionality via JavaScript but would like it to be in this plugin. Here is the code for the first example:
<script type="text/javascript">
function print() {
window.open('https://yoursite.com/yourfile.html', 'name', 'width=800, height=1000');
And then I call it like this:
<a href="javascript:print()">Print Me</a>
I am also thinking that the plugin should allow for an external css that has been created separately. Allowing the user to link to it through the shortcode for that specific print. This would allow the user to have multiple prints on their site with different styling for each one rather than one universal css.
Can these ideas be done in the plugin?