I have setup the profile photo upload in the account form as per the following guide:
Everything is almost working perfectly BUT..
On the account page when I upload, crop and then apply. When the lightbox/image upload disappears and the account page refreshes, the newly uploaded image shows very briefly (maybe for half a second) above the Upload button and then is quickly replaced by the old profile photo.
When entering password and clicking save everything works fine.
To clarify the problem is, after clicking Apply the newly uploaded image only shows briefly and is replaced by the old image (above the upload button).
Desperate for some help with this, am happy to pay!
]]>I’ve already got several custom types/taxonomies that don’t have any issues, and now I have extended the media type to add some custom fields, mostly plain text but also some relationships.
If I look at the attachment details for any image, these custom fields are listed repeatedly (6 times in fact), each showing the same data. If I change one of the relationship fields the copies ‘catch up’ to show the change after a moment, but if I try to edit one of the plain-text fields they will only hold a single character at a time.
If I click on ‘edit more details’ to view the extended page, all the fields appear correctly and I can edit them as normal – this data is then shown correctly (albeit 6 times) back on the attachment details page. I can also pull the field data out using templates and smart tags, so it seems like a mostly visual/usability issue.
I’ve uploaded a screen grab of the media section on my test site at the link below for clarity.
]]>I’ve been using Nextgen Gallery for years. I have set my default thumbnail size to 120×90. This works good.
However, I just noticed that the thumbnails in the album (both compact and extended) do not use the 120×90 size, but use a different size (both extended and compact). For some reason the thumbnails are regenerated in the album view and use a 91×68 size.
– Original thumnbail in gallery: https://www.van-wieringen.nl/wp-content/gallery/orientatie-verbouwing/thumbs/thumbs_IMG_4998.JPG
– Regenerated thumbnail for album: https://www.van-wieringen.nl/wp-content/gallery/orientatie-verbouwing/cache/IMG_4998.JPG-nggid0510613-ngg0dyn-91×68-00f0w010c011r110f110r010t010.JPG
Both the settings for compact and extended album are set to NOT overwrite thumnbail settings.
How to solve this?
]]>How can I revert back to Type ‘Custom Post Type’ from this ‘Extended’ type?
* Open the release notes link
* Download the latest zip
* Install from your wordpress plugin page
* Activate the plugin
* [NEW] Slot Booking Dashboard widget (for todays bookings) – Screenshot
* Email notification on booking approved
* Email notifications on booking cancels
* Limit registrations per day (by email)
* Setup redirection URL on submission exceeded
* (Temporary) Fixed issue calculating available slots (front-end JS)
Here are some pictures
]]>I’m trying to use this plugin in conjunction with ACF Extended’s custom Blocks
The custom blocks are not output as it seems they are not parsed before [content]
is output
I was expecting I’d be able to do this
[loop type="post" name="hello-world" filter="true"]
but my code will come out like this
<p>(before the Dynamic Block)</p>
<p><!-- wp:acf/dynamic-block-test {
"id": "block_5ebe92ec7cc27",
"name": "acf\/dynamic-block-test",
"data": {
"title": "title1",
"_title": "field_5ebe8235f6950",
"subtitle": "subtitle1",
"_subtitle": "field_5ebe823bf6951",
"paragraph": "",
"_paragraph": "field_5ebe8e511d38a"
"mode": "auto"
} /--></p>
<p>(after the Dynamic Block)</p>
So the standard Gutenberg Blocks are rendering (my before & after paragraphs) but the block in the middle isn’t
Is there a way to get the Custom Content Shortcode plugin to run the blocks functionality first ?
I am struggling with the documentation for this plugin.
Many of the fields this plugin add seem not to be documented. For example (but not the only) there is a new field possibility called “Form” but no explanation. The site has no search. The tutorials are very limited.
Again, I DO appreciate the effort and I know this is a “free” plugin but I am struggling to understand how to use much of it.