I have dozens of old pages on my site that I originally created with frontpage / expresssion web.
How can I edit them using wordpress?
I see them in my wordpress file manager plugin but don’t see a way to edit them within wordpress.
]]>Pleas point me to the entry point in your documentation for creating a new website that will not include a blog.
]]>My site is wakeupinmerica.com
I so not know or understand how to show you what I am trying to change it too
]]>I built a website using Expression Web for a friend and had been doing all the updates for her. Since they she has been using Word Press for her job and would like to get her website into Word Press.
Is it possible to just transfer everything into Word Press somehow? OR would it be easier to start from scratch?
Thank you and sorry of this question has been asked before. I searched around, but didn’t see exactly what I was looking for.
]]>In Visual Editor, I was hoping to see an icon for Tables which could help me create columner tables with multiple rows. Is it already there somewhere in WP? Or, is there any possibility to add this feature in near future?
Joomla offers TinyMCE which, if set in Extended mode, offers many additional features. Could there be a possibility of adding TinyMCE in Extended mode to WP in near future?
In Pages, if there was an option to draw columns, at least, that could have been helpful. I was thinking from CMS angle where I may want to put up my published works (books) in Pages with, say, two columns, one for English and the other for Hindi (an Indic language). It’s easier for me to write the Hindi version while looking at my English original on the same page.
WP is expanding its base to make itself useful to different kind of users and with that in mind it has graduated from Blog to CMS level and therefore incorporating a few popular features may help.
]]>Blog was all set and ready to launch. Accessed the site in Expression Web but could see no pages. Now all I get is php code when I try to access the site with a browser. Please try it and see what you get at:
I have read somewhere else that there may be some changes made to the php files if one attempts to access them in some other fashion. Is this what has happened? And is this irretrievable? Or can I do something magic to bring them all back?
Help! I’ve promised the blog will be up and running by this weekend
and hope I don’t have to start all over.