]]>I have multiple forms to collect signature on internal policies. New submissions appears on the submissions list but when exporting the list of submissions they’re not there.
Any help?
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]]>I am trying to redirect some success and thank you pages. However, I need to have ignore parameters set for the options in WordPress.
Is there any way to do this in the CSV?
I have source and target url but have no idea what I would put for these optional ignore parameters.
]]>This is a very serious problem because there isn’t control over my customers data.
Under Woocommerce –> customers by clicking download ( – my customers’ data), after click, always appears a popup with the words that the data will be sent in email.
How do I take control of my data and download when I want my customers data?
]]>I would like to suggest a feature request to have the submission ID always included in the list of submissions and in the the submissions export CSV, similar to the “Date Submitted” field, for all forms.
Today, one can obtain the submission ID, as described in the support topic .
But this work around requires a hidden field to be added in each form and a code snippet to be installed as a must-use plugin. In addition the Form IDs are to be hardcoded in the snippet.
Having the submission ID as a standard field in the submission views and export CSVs would eliminate the need for this workaround.
]]>Can you advise if we are able to export the poll result via CSV?
]]>We are using the premium version of this plugin. We could not find the Export to CSV option on the submissions page, also some other premium features are missing like Data Management. There is an option found for File upload in the fields section.
Our Plugin version is 1.3.17. There is no option given for checking the Plugin License key in the settings hence we could not identify whether the License is expired or not. Kindly help to find the solutions to this problem.
]]>For example, below:
Drupal: XYZ is a Legacy Customer with 5% Personal Discount
WooCommerce site manual look up: XYZ is a ‘Legacy_05’. Missing ‘Customer’ tag.
WooCommerce downloaded CSV report: XYZ is a ‘customer_legacy’. Missing the value ’05’
Another example:
Drupal: ABC is a Legacy Customer with 10% Personal Discount
WooCommerce site manual look up: ABC is a ‘Legacy_10’. Missing ‘Customer’ tag.
WooCommerce downloaded CSV report: ABC is a ‘distributor_legacy_10’. ‘Distributor’ tag is extra which is not present on WC site.
Please let me know if there is an easy fix for this?