Putting it in another way:
I enter my website kudretmakine.com and submit any form which is on that website. And when I try to quit the website Exit intent form pops up. You see the problem. It is little absurd. Exit intent pop up must only appear in case if I did not submit any form. If I submitted it, then Exit intent popup must not appear
I could not find conditions not to show exit intent popup if other any other form was submited.
Elementor’s online chat assistant told me that it is not possible for now and in order to solve the problem I need to use some code, and gave me link to FB group where I can find that code because somebody could face this problem before. But fb is blocked in my country and VPN does not help. So I am asking you to provide me that code here please
]]>function marcus_modify_title( $html ) {
$custom_title = ‘Did you mean to go without buying your equipment?’;
return preg_replace(‘#(<h2[^>]*>).*?(</h2>)#’, “$1 $custom_title $2”, $html);
add_filter( ‘cartbounty_pro_exit_intent_title_html’, ‘marcus_modify_title’ );
function marcus_modify_text( $html ) {
$custom_text = “If you aren’t ready to buy just yet, you can save your cart by sending it to your email. This also gives you exclusive access to coupons and new product updates from Silent Sound System. We appreciate your business!”;
return preg_replace(‘#(<h2[^>]*>).*?(</h2>)#’, “$1 $custom_text $2”, $html);
add_filter( ‘cartbounty_pro_exit_intent_description_html’, ‘marcus_modify_text’ );
You have excellent plugin.
i wonder can you provide option fro exit intent open popup when you user leave browser from top not right or bottom.