Image filename is 10876330.jpg.
When adding this image using MLA, permalink is . Not …../10876330. —> MLA read Exif/IPTC-field “Headline” and use it as permalink. One image- permalink manual edit ok. But mass import need permalink is automatically image filename (10876330 without jpg).
Then, when click this permalink, Wp redirect it to . Image filename is just 10876330.jpg. NOT 10876330-scaled.jpg. So- how to fix this?
I see problems are image import with MLA.
]]>The EXIF data already looks pretty good but I was wondering if it is possible to customise the EXIF display in the following ways.
I’ve changed the aperture label “f/” to “??/” by replacing it in the code that is outputting the f/ in the file lightbox-photoswipe/src/LightboxPhotoSwipe/ExifHelper.php on line 169.
return 'f/' . round($fstop,1);
Presumably this will get overwritten every time there is a update? Is there a better way for me to change this so it’s more permanent?
Would it also be possible to display any other EXIF fields, such as the name of the lens being used? If not I can just put extra info in the image description so not a big deal. If I could customise extra fields then this could be useful.
Thanks again for the great implementation.
]]>In advance, I apologize for asking this as I know it’s asked a lot and I’m sure the Jetpack team is tired of hearing these questions…
I just learned lots of my images I’ve uploaded to my WP install has sensitive geo location EXIF data. This was in part due to my ignorance, I thought WordPress core was stripping out this sensitive information. After going down this rabbit hole I also realized Jetpack’s CDN service doesn’t strip geo location EXIF data either. So here I am, reaching out to the Jetpack team to request all my images to be deleted from your CDN so your CDN can redownload the new images without sensitive geo location EXIF data.
I’ve already installed a plugin in my production environment to strip geo location data for all new uploads and I used it to process & strip the sensitive EXIF data from existing image uploads. In other words, my production environment images are ready to be re-cached by Jetpack CDN.
Due to the sensitivity of this issue, I do not want to publicly provide my website domain or the list of images. So could the Jetpack team please provide an email address for me to reach out to so I can provide the necessary information needed to scrub these images privately?
On a related note, is there a SQL query documented somewhere that I can run to generate the full list of CDN URLs for all my image uploads? Or does your support team have some PHP code I can paste into my theme functions or a dedicated plugin to generate this list of URLs?
Quiet honestly I’m surprised Jetpack’s CDN offering doesn’t have an easier and more automated way of handling this issue.
EXIF data is an essential component to my site, and WP has preserved this until recently. Now all image versions/thumbnails uploaded are stripped of EXIF. I have tested with all plugins deactivated, with same result, so this is WP core. EXIF is preserved only in the original image.
How to revert back to preserving EXIF?
]]>I’m back working on my site after an interval to help my Dad. It’s posted, finally, at The work I did last summer is now a little bit moot as Attachment Pages are off by default in WP 6.4, but that probably wasn’t a great plan any way.
I’m working on your suggestion to use XMP because it has longer character length for captions. I got the XMP title, caption and description fields to merge, and I have fields for other values in ITPC, but I’m stuck on keywords. The proper keywords that relate to my site only show up in xmp:photoshop.Category
unfortunately. The other keywords are incorrect, and I can’t figure out in EXIFTool how to get the Photoshop Keywords column to copy into the other columns. Anyway when I use any combination of XMP template or direct call in Att. Categories, I either get nothing or the text “[xmp:photoshop.Category]”
I’m sure I’ve got the code wrong. Right now it’s:
Thank you so much!
When I was happy to finally have the EXIF in webp images I find that soon after an update ends with my happiness, the truth I did not see any problem while the EXIF worked in webp without going through the PHP, so for now I will use the previous version because for me it is essential this functionality and for now I lower the rating to the plugin until it is reimplemented or is solved in some way.
Amazingly resilient coding. Very little has been changed in the last eight years in MMWW yet still MMWW runs reliably.
]]>I don’t want to show the Time metadata because the Lightbox substract (or add) the timezone to the taken time of my pictures, instead of just showing the taken time (regardless of the timezone metadata). Example : one of my picture is taken in Western Australia at 16:05 UTC+8 (metadata are correctly written on my jpeg file), and the lightbox shows a taken time of 08:05 instead of 16:05. Another picture taken in New Zealand at 19:25 UTC+13 is shown in the lightbox at 06:25 instead of 19:25.