Can you help me find out how I create a new custom field so I can add the appropriate values to exclude the page from the sitemap.xml?
]]>I have two sales pages that I want to exclude from the cache purge. I want only those two specific pages to be excluded. As I see in LSCache there is no native option for that. As I can see I can only set:
– Auto Purge Rules For Publish/Update
– Scheduled Purge URLs and
– Purge All Hooks
But nothing of those options work for me. What should I do?
I’d want to ask how I can disable the automatic translation for specific pages, like is there a code snippet I can paste into the pages so they won’t be translated automatically?
My problem is that I want legal pages like a cookie policy for example to be multilangual (and my GDPR plugin, Complianz, offers those translations), thats why I can’t disable it to be multilangual by a path like mentioned in 11) on
Those are legal documents they can’t be simply be translated automatically trough Google or in the pro version trough DeepL.
So summarized I want a page to be multilangual but still Translatepress to automatically translate the rest of my website, but exclude these pages of this automatic translation process.
Thanks a lot and best wishes
]]>Are there any requirements for this to work? Is this only a feature of Loginpress Pro?
]]>I would like to exclude a certain part of a page from the search results.
At the moment I am using your plugin and don’t know how to exclude the div id from the search results.
Could you help me out in this problem please?
]]>I wonder if it is possible to exclude a page from the cookie restriction?
The user experience suffers extremely with the videos loading again after accepting the cookies.
Would be happy to get some help here!
Best regards,
in the following closed thread the “exclude pages” argument has been replied
but it lacks some info:
@donncha says:
“define the constant DONOTCACHEPAGE or add the page URLs to the “rejected URIs” box on the advanced settings page”
I want a custom login page to be excluded because the wp_referer is cached, but it is not a custom page, it is standard wordpress page with 2 shortcodes.
1) Does Defininig the constant require to create a custom page?
2) I do not have such “rejected URIs” box in my Super Cache panel. I run a free version. Is the Rejected URIs box a PRO feature? Otherwise where is it?
]]>I am just starting to writing and developing a blog.
There are multiple heading in a few posts. H2 inside H3, H3 inside H4, and so on.
I have changed color in every post manually in the headings and if the set default color through the theme customizations option then the same color will also be applied on the page headings. Which I do not want.
I only want to change the color of the post headings, exclude page heading. Please guide me how can I do this?