One request though.
Is it possible to change default “Top” setting to be placed after the excerp?
It has become clear that when the message appears on older stories it is the outdated message that display on front page and in widgets, not the article excerp.
I know we could use the shortcode but we have several writers and it is already quite a lot to remember before publishing so it would just be so much easier if it placed there automatically.
could you help me?
]]>First off– nice plugin.
But, I’ve encountered an issue with the very first post in the grid.
The excerpt of this post always seems to start with “caret-down caret-up caret-left caret-right”. What could be the reason for this?
I managed to workaround this issue by adding the excerpt twice (only the first one had the caret text) and changing the css of that one to have no padding and a text size of 0.
You can see that the text is still there when you search for it @ inspect element.
]]>thank you for your help
]]>Is there a way to use any other shortcode to protext the content? Maybe [WP-MEMBERS]…?
Hoping for help…
]]>I would like to know if there is any possibility to set a preference for what to show inside the search excerpt, when there is multiple occurences of the searched word inside an article.
When a word is found in the exerpt of the article AND inside the article, the relevanssi plug-in, in his search excerpt, always prefers to show the word found inside the article (in a messy context, in a middle of a sentence…).
I would prefer that if the searched word is found inside the original excerpt of the article, the search excerpt made by relevanssi plug-in would automatically choose to show the original excerpt itself.
If there any way to achieve this ?
Thanks everyone,
]]>I really like this plugin – when it works.
Lately it has stopped showing excerps on new posts. It still display them on old posts but the more posts I write the more posts among the related content miss them.
Is this going to be fixed? I am replacing nRelate with YARPP until it is.
]]>I want to lists the current page’s children with depth 1.
I made this possible by unsing:
<?php global $post; wp_list_pages( array('child_of' => $post->ID, 'depth' => 1) ); ?>
But the problem is that i don’t just want to list the sites, i also want to display a featured image and the excerp of the page.
What wordpress function should i use ?
This is the html structure i want to repeat for each children:
<div class="wrapper p4">
<div class="grid_4 alpha">
<div class="wrapper p2">
<figure class="border fleft">
<img src="url-to-featured-image" alt="" />
<h6 class="prev-indent-bot">
<a class="link" href="url-to-post">Title</a>
<p class="indent-bot">Excerp of page</p>
<a class="button" href="url-to-post">Read more</a>