There seems to be an error in the code of the Events Widget as of version 6.0. Compare the code output:
Version 5.12.1
<section id="em_widget-3" class="widget widget_em_widget">
<div class="inner">
<h2 class="widget-title">[title]</h2>
<a href="[url]">[link text]</a>
<li>[event date]</li>
<li>[event location], [event time]</li>
<li class="all-events-link">
<a href="[url]" title="[title]">[link text]</a>
Version 6.1.1
<section id="em_widget-3" class="widget widget_em_widget">
<div class="inner">
<h2 class="widget-title">[title]</h2>
<div class="em pixelbones em-list-widget em-events-widget">
<a href="[url]">[link text]</a>
<li>[event date]</li>
<li>[event location], [event time]</li>
<li class="all-events-link">
<a href="[url]" title="[title]">[link text]</a>
A DIV has been added in the later version (since 6.0) and the UL tags are missing. It leads to invalid HTML code and can break the styling.
Could you please add the UL tags back in a coming release?
]]>My Events Calendar has multiple different events throughout the month, but the Events widget only shows one specific type/category of event and ignores the others. How can I get it to show all events? I have the settings set to “0” on the widget, but it still only shows one category of event.
You can see it here:
]]>My Events Calendar has multiple different events throughout the month, but the Events widget only shows one specific type of event and ignores the others. How can I get it to show all events?
You can see the different events here:
But if you go to any other page, the events widget on the right side menu only shows one type of event, even though there are others after and between that event.
]]>My Events Calendar has multiple different events throughout the month, but the Events widget only shows one specific type of event and ignores the others. How can I get it to show all events?
You can see it here:
]]>Is it possible to increase the number of items displayed in the Events Widget?
Currently the Show: limit is 10, 12 or more would be better.
Thanks for sharing such great plugin, nice work!
Kind regards
*I seem a little uncertain here because I have another home page widget below Events, which takes up the entire horizontal area. If the theme had the page set to 3 column format, logic would seem to indicate this would also be of vertical orientation. Since it’s not, I wonder how malleable the widget sizes are for Events.
]]><div class="event-block" itemscope itemtype="">
<div class="event-block">
<time datetime="#_{Y-m-d\TH:i:s\+00:00}" itemprop="startDate" class="time published">August 17, 2015</time>
is committed completely, with the exception of that “hardcoded” August 17,2015.
Is there any way to make it work without having to tinker around in the “em-events.php” file ?
Thank you in advance for all your help.