Your theme demo link:
My website link:
]]>My events span over a number of days – One thing I need to do is add a start date to the link event name in my list of events something like:
“Sat, August 10th 2019: Build a robot weekend”
in the body the event will say the full date period which I get from #_EVENTDATES
but I can’t use this for the link text (title) as it will have both start and end dates.
What I’m hoping is, without getting my hands dirty with php, I could use a placeholder, something like #_EVENTSTARTDATE
and I have my fingers crossed that perhaps this already exists and just isn’t documented… Is this possible?
]]>function evenementendetails() {
global $post;
echo '<input type="hidden" name="eventmeta_noncename" id="eventmeta_noncename" value="' .
wp_create_nonce( plugin_basename(__FILE__) ) . '" />';
$eventdate = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_eventdate', true);
echo '<p><input type="text" name="_eventdate" placeholder="dd-mm-jjjj" value="' . $eventdate . '" class="widefat" /></p>';
function wpt_save_events_meta($post_id, $post) {
if ( !wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['eventmeta_noncename'], plugin_basename(__FILE__) )) {
return $post->ID;
if ( !current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post->ID ))
return $post->ID;
$events_meta['_eventdate'] = $_POST['_eventdate'];
foreach ($events_meta as $key => $value) {
if( $post->post_type == 'revision' ) return; // Don't store custom data twice
$value = implode(',', (array)$value);
if(get_post_meta($post->ID, $key, FALSE)) { update_post_meta($post->ID, $key, $value);
} else {
add_post_meta($post->ID, $key, $value);
if(!$value) delete_post_meta($post->ID, $key);
add_action('save_post', 'wpt_save_events_meta', 1, 2);
On the homepage (front-page.php) I’ve added the following WPQuery code:
$events = new WP_Query(array(
'posts_per_page' => '2',
'post_type' => 'events',
'orderby' => 'meta_value_num',
'order' => 'ASC',
'meta_key' => '_eventdate'
Since the user enters the eventdate as “22-02-2016” I convert it to a more readable (dutch) standard: “22 February 2016”:
$myDateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat('d-m-Y', get_post_meta($post->ID, '_eventdate', true));
$newDateString = $myDateTime->format('j F Y');
I know that the meta_key sorts the _eventdate on the “22-02-2016” version the date. Which of course in my current WP_Query code sorts it on just the day. Which results in a incorrect sorting (First: 8 January 2016, Then: 10 June 2016 and 22 February). I think it is solvabele by converting the eventdate a second time to ‘Ymd’. My only question is how and where could I best implement a conversion of the eventdate so that it gives a correct sorting via the meta_key in WP_Query?
]]>When i’m done with an event and publishe it Event date, event time and event location is not showing up, can you help me with that?
]]>What is the metaname for showing the event date?
I want to post the event in the revolution slider. The title is no problem {{title}} but the event date (startdate) i cant find.
Can anybody help me?
]]>I am using your plugin to display upcoming events to wich people can RSVP.
On my frontpage I have a query to display 5 events.
I want to order them bu event date (so not the normal wordpress postdate but the date that the event will be on).
The closest event above and the most far (of the 5) below.
How can I do this?
<?php query_posts( ‘post_type=event’ . ‘&orderby=date&order=ASC&posts_per_page=5′); ?>
]]>[Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]