Theme is BuddyBoss.
]]>thank you
Here is the full Default Event List Format:
<td width=”500″>#_EVENTIMAGE{400,0}</td>
<td width=”1000″ valign=”top”><h2>#_EVENTLINK</h2><br />
<h6> #_EVENTEXCERPT{50,…}<br />
{has_location}<br/><i>Location: #_LOCATIONNAME, #_LOCATIONTOWN #_LOCATIONSTATE</i>{/has_location}</h6><br /></td>
<td width=”400″ valign=”top”><h6>#_EVENTDATES<br />
#_EVENTTIMES</h6><br /></td>
What do I need to do differently?
Thank you!
]]>Here’s the code I have in the “Default event list format” box in the event that’s the cause:
<td style="vertical-align: middle;">
{has_image}<div style="float:left; padding: 10px 20px 5px 0px; vertical-align: middle;">
<a href=#_EVENTURL alt="Carolina Show Ski Team #_EVENTNAME">#_EVENTIMAGE{120,0}</a>
</div><div style="vertical-align: middle;">{/has_image}
{no_image}<div style="position: relative; left: 140px; vertical-align: middle;">{/no_image}
{has_location}<br/><i>#_LOCATIONNAME, #_LOCATIONTOWN #_LOCATIONSTATE</i>{/has_location}
As an aside, I added the {has_image} and {no_image} code lines since the events without images were aligned left and it looked goofy. An unintended consequence of that code is that the mobile view of the page aligns the event titles and location off the screen viewing area since it’s making room for the lack of image, whereas the events with an image are aligned so that it’s all visible because the responsive view realigns everything properly. I tried to upload a featured image of a transparent 120×120 block, but it made the page so much longer for the image-less photos, I didn’t like that look either. I’d also be interested in hearing how others handled events with and without images.
]]>if I try to add an event image to an event, I am forced to upload an image.
I found no way to access the media library to add pictures, that are already uploaded to wordpress. This way it is not possible to work with reocurring or more-than-one-day events without uploading a picture for each event separately. Have I overlooked something?!
Best regards
]]>Can you help?
So much thanks,
]]>Troubleshooting steps taken:
– disabled all plugins to prevent plugin conflicts
– revert to a default theme (Twenty Twelve) to rule out theme conflicts
– enabled debug mode but found no errors logged
]]>The browse button is replaced by an input text field.
See or live on
If an image is selected as featured image, it is displayed, but the delete and submit buttons aren’t