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but since this summer (we manage over 100 webshops) we run into this problem that the shipping costs are suddenly for free. Overnight. After looking into this problem we found that when we completely delete the shipping costs and re-enter the price for shipping with a . in stead of a , it works again. We had a shop where it broke down 5 times, always overnight or in the weekend. It looks like when the customer saves some setting in Woo things get broken.
We now have this problem with a lot of webshops and everytime we fix this by:
– emtpying the current price field for shipping
– re-entering (typing) the price with a . as seperator despite these settings
– after saving the price is shown with a , as seperator
– some day in the future this will break again
Please let us know if you also have this problem in Woo
We currently have the problem that if we want to add / calculate a tax for an active subscriber. (Because he comes from another EU country and there is a different sales tax)
But the whole thing is not calculated. I add the tax rate and the field remains empty. Even if I then click on the “Recalculate” button.
In the WooCommerce settings it is also activated that taxes should be calculated. And the tax rates for the respective countries have also been added correctly. (I can also select them correctly when adding taxes)
In the product it was also configured that the standard tax rates should be used.
Unfortunately, I can’t get any further and don’t know how I could solve the problem? (The error logs also show nothing)
]]>I am looking at moving back to Woocommerce with my online store, and i am currently testing what options are available to use.
I am having a hard time finding a solution to calculate duty and taxes in checkout based on HS tariff codes (customs codes) – this is because we sell food and non-food and the VAT and duty is very different from country to country. We use Shopify today and they have a solution for this – but like everything else on Shopify it’s high cost!
The alternatives i have found so far:
Woocommerce Tax – but it seems i cannot use this as i am located in Norway (Europe).
Easyship – This only calculates on a pre selected type of products (for example electronics)
Zonos – They have HS code support – but want almost 6400 USD for setup and 12 months subscription.
DHL Duty and Tax API – Can be used for any integration, but i can’t seem to find anything made ready for Woocommerce.
Do you have any suggestions of do’s and dont’s? Any experience?
Do you have a solution that works for your ecommerce store, selling internationally today with a live tax calculation service?
Please share
]]>Plugin robí, ?o má, v?imli sme si v?ak, ?e napriek tomu, ?e vynuluje DPH pre v?etky polo?ky v objednávke vrátane dopravy, v podrobnostiach objednávky sa v sekcii rozpo?ítania/rekapitulácie celkovej ceny pod preh?adom polo?iek stále zobrazuje riadok obsahujúci názov a hodnotu príslu?nej sadzby DPH pre zvoleny typ dopravy (v na?om príklade “DPH 21%: 1,91 €” – vi? screenshot
Najsk?r sme si mysleli, ?e problém je s pluginom od YITH, ich support v?ak po debuggingu zistil, ?e ten riadok tam pridáva plugin Packeta – bez oh?adu na zvoleny sp?sob dopravy, ?i to je Packeta, kuriér DPD (pau?álna sadzba) alebo iny sp?sob dopravy, ktory s Packetou nijako nesúvisí. Ke? sa plugin Packeta deaktivuje, v?etko funguje ako má a DPH je v?ade v celej vy?ke odrátaná a nikde sa nezobrazuje.
Zaujímavé je, ?e ten riadok sa v podrobnostiach WC objednávky len zobrazuje a hodnota DPH sa nezapo?ítava do celkovej ceny objednávky. Dokonca ke? manuálne klikneme na button “Prepo?íta?” (bez toho, aby sme ?oko?vek v objednávke zmenili), riadok jednoducho zmizne.
Keby to bol len vizuálny problém, nerie?ili by sme to, av?ak problém spo?íva v tom, ?e po prijatí objednávky sa tá hodnota DPH dopravy nezobrazí len v podrobnostiach objednávky, ale reálne sa zobrazí zákazníkovi aj v e-maili, ktorym potvrdzujeme prijatie objednávky a exportuje sa cez plugin SuperFakúry aj do faktúry, kde sa u? nielen zobrazuje, ale reálne navy?i celkovú cenu objednávky o hodnotu DPH dopravy.
Bolo by mo?né tento problém z Va?ej strany odstráni?? Teda upravi? Vá? plugin tak, aby v prípade, ?e DPH zvolenej dopravy vo vytvorenej objednávke je nulová (resp. “-“), tak by sa v sumarizácii ceny príslu?ná hodnota DPH vybraného sp?sobu dopravy nezobrazovala ani nikam ?alej neexportovala?
Vopred ?akujem za odpove?!
]]>Za tymto ú?elom som na?iel samozrejme viacero pluginov, okrem iného EU VAT Number priamo od WooCommerce alebo EU VAT, OSS & IOSS od YITH, zároveň som ?ítal na tomto fóre aj info, ?e s v???inou tychto pluginov je SuperFaktúra kompatibilná.
Ideálne by v?ak samozrejme bolo, keby som ?iaden ?al?í plugin rie?i? nemusel a v?etko sa dalo vybavi? cez plugin SF.
Pred chví?ou som skúsil v nastaveniach pluginu aktivova? mo?nos? “Overi? platnos? I? DPH”, av?ak v pokladni po zadaní I? DPH (ani ?iadneho iného textu alebo ?ísla) nedochádza k ?iadnej validácii, ani mi zadanie neexistujúceho I? DPH nezabránilo v tom úspe?ne odosla? objednávku – je potrebné okrem tohto checkboxu urobi? e?te nie?o iné, alebo ako to má fungova??
Druhá otázka: ak sa podarí tú validáciu nejako rozbeha? cez plugin SF, zní?i sa aj DPH na 0% pri zahrani?nom zákazníkovi s platnym I? DPH, alebo nie?
Vopred ?akujem za odpove?!
]]>This plugin adds VAT tables to your site incl all vat rates for EU Countries. Then you can add any and all other rates, you wish, such as Zero, reduced, artist,services and you can even add other countries. So this can easily work for rules in Aussieland, that I am not even aware of.
But hold on….. this plugin can if you set it, display next to the price that this is ex vat / incl vat / Incl VAT Denmark or Luxembourg and then show nothing if no VAT is added for trade beyond EU. A country like Denmark has one of the highest rates at 25%. That addition is a competitive disadvantage for sales to fx Tunisia. That’s why this function is vital.
For anonymous users it will geolocate, once adding shipping address it will recalculate seamlessly. Under Danish B2C law you must at all times present pricing incl. of VAT. Now if a user lies about their location behind a VPN, what can anyone do? Let the dice roll and take it to court.
Cudos to David for making life so easy for so many in the middle of anarchy. Thx a ton and merry X-mas.
]]>Because the European Union is split up into individual countries in the stats page, the totals for each country are low compared to the total from the USA. On the other hand, if I sum up the results from the individual countries I get good 10-20% more from EU/EEA than from USA; but that’s not obvious from either the map or the graph below.
Please either add EU or EEA as a separate line, or an option to add all the EU countries together, and show it as a single area/line.
While my website targets global audience, I’m pretty sure there are a lot of local businesses that because of stuff like customs duties will want to be able to gauge their audience within EU.
]]>I hope you are well. I was struggling with the VAT miss match with Woo for maybe a year ago. I see things are sorted really nicely now and basically just moved further into woo as supposed.
Impressive how beautyful something so messy can. I cannot believe how easy you made life for so many eCommerces.
Burnt children… I was really worried going into this based on experience, but wow. I wonder why the selector to allow woo to do the calculation is there. If this is set, it still breaks the vat calc.
Merry Xmas and all the best.