I’ve used it to create an Ethereum version using CryptoCompare API.
Few suggestions to make the plugin even better:
Overall, a 5 star plugin!
]]>We have 2 currency USD and INR
we are applying a virtual coupon discount, discount is 50% of the cart subtotal
it work properly when we are in base currency, but when we switch to other currency it goes wrong
our code takes the subtotal (which is already converted to other currency) and then applies that amount as discount (but here it goes wrong) you plugin applies the conversion again on this amount so its gives wrong result
We want to know how to disable the currency conversion on our coupon
here is our coupon code you can try it on your end
class virtual_coupon_test{
function __construct(){
add_action('woocommerce_before_calculate_totals', array($this,'applyDiscountCode'));
add_action('woocommerce_after_calculate_totals', array($this,'applyDiscountCode'));
add_filter('woocommerce_get_shop_coupon_data', array($this, 'addDiscountCouponData'),10,3);
function applyDiscountCode(WC_Cart $cart){
$cart->applied_coupons[] = "pisol-cdrw-discount:test";
function addDiscountCouponData($false, $data, $coupon){
if(!function_exists('WC') || !isset(WC()->cart) ) return false;
$coupon_id = "pisol-cdrw-discount:test";
$subtotal = WC()->cart->get_subtotal();
$off = $subtotal * 50 / 100;
$coupon->set_description( 'Test coupon' );
return $coupon;
new virtual_coupon_test();
]]>I would like to perform Currency Conversion for BOTH BTC and ETH on my pages. BTC conversion is going well – but ETH is not in the list of currencies.
Can you please add Ethereum (ETH) as another cryptocurrency in your list?
Ethereum (ETH) is the 2nd most popular cryptocurrency and is used as the underlying platform for MANY cryptocurrency projects around the world.
Adding Ethereum (ETH) would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
]]>If you or someone you know is interest in writing this plugin for me please contact me an estimate cost and time of completion.
I love the ethpress plugin. It has worked perfectly with both the metamask browser extension and walletconnect with truxt wallet. Do you have a current ether address I can use to properly tip you? Thanks