What I’m trying to do:
If Cart has only Products A,B or C then hide all methods except “home delivery”,
If Cart includes Products D to Z then hide “home delivery” and show all others
]]>I am organizing a meetup in Tallinn, Estonia. The idea for this WordPress Meetup is to make a shift. Usually in this region people don’t share their know-how very openly but we are hopefully on our way to change that. I believe that by sharing and helping others out, everyone will win on the the long run.
I encourage all the WordPress fans to come out and participate. I promise that the meetup will be lot’s of fun and the speakers will share advice to remember.
This is WordPress Estonia Meetup, right? Why is this information in english?
We believe that the majority of the visitors will be Estonians but some of the speakers and participants might come from other countries.
If someone would love to help me organize the meetup then feel free to get in touch with me via [email protected]
Estonia, Tallinn, Vana-Posti 7 – Old town (Vanalinn)
First meetup:
2014-jan-17 (https://www.meetup.com/WordPress-Estonia-Meetup/events/149667622/)
This will be an awesome, awesome meetup!
Kaarel Veike
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