function demo($mimes) {
if ( function_exists( 'current_user_can' ) )
$unfiltered = $user ? user_can( $user, 'unfiltered_html' ) : current_user_can( 'unfiltered_html' );
if ( !empty( $unfiltered ) ) {
$mimes = array(
'swf' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
'exe' => 'application/x-msdownload',
return $mimes;
i added this code in my themes functions.php file…
n now i m able to upload swf files and not jpg n other image files…
this new version of wordpress sucks ass big time…
please help me out… thanks in advance…
]]>I’m trying to “import table via .csv file”, but I can’t understand how to upload a .csv file to the media library.
When I try uploading the file I just get
Error saving media attachment
Anyone else having the same problem? Any suggestions to what I can do?
]]>Error saving media attachment.
i have no idea how it happened and i am unable to get it resolved.
i have changed the permission of the wp-content/upload folder but it doesnt seems to work..
need help..
Blog :
]]>I’m a WP newbie, I installed WP but now I get errors when trying to install another template, upload a picture or upgrade WP to the newest version.
I searched WP site/forum and Google for a solution but it didn’t help…
These are error messages I get:
when trying to upgrade WP:
Warning: touch() [function.touch]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 1177 is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid 0 in /home/milbar01/domains/ on line 199
Download failed.: Could not create Temporary file.
Installation Failed
It says the problem is cause SAFE MODE is ON but I can not turn it off, it’s my webhost’s settings.
How can it say in WP FAQ that “There are no known issues with any version of WordPress when PHP is running in Safe Mode.”
but when you do a search on the forum and Google, it’s obvious people are having problems with it!?
I read I could try changing permissions to 777 but it seems like I can’t, when I do it, the page refreshes but permissions stay 755.
Besides, apparently it’s not safe to do that so I’d rather find another option, if there’s one.
When I want to upload pics, it says “Error saving media attachment.”
When I want to install a new template, it says:
Unable to create directory /home/milbar01/domains/ Is its parent directory writable by the server?
I got this same message before also when I tried to upload pics.
Some suggest to change permissions of the wp-content/uploads folder but it seems like I don’t even have this folder, I can’t find. Should I create one myself?
However, like I said, it seems I can’t change permissions anyway…
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Any suggestions?
]]>Error saving media attachment.
in my wp 3 just work upload photos
]]>Failed to write file to disk
(that is using the Flash uploader)
Error saving media attachment
(that is if I use the Browser uploader)
I have 3 wordpress blogs with this particular host – all version 2.9.2
Everything has been working just fine. I added no new plugins or anything. The system on all 3 of them just started chucking this error!
File permission are unchanged (755) to the wp-content/uploads directory.
What gives???