I did disable my Rocket! Same error
Sorry, an error occured! Don’t worry, I will fix this, so simply let me know about it.
Here is some information about it:
Minified React error #185; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=185 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
]]>/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=shop_order (URL of new order screen referred to before clicking “create”)
This has been going on since ~April 2023. We’ve reached out to GoDaddy support, but was told since it wasn’t reported within a 15 or 30 day grace period after the migration, they’re unable to look into (for free).
I’ve been researching this for months with no luck. I really feel the issue is probably just a single line of code somewhere that didn’t copy/migrate correctly. Especially since I had to clean up a lot of various links/etc after that were changed to this “temporary” domain that was something like “mywebsitetransfer…”
ANY assistance will be GREATLY appreciated!!
I followed the instructions as best as I could. I implemented 2022 Theme, Deactivated all plugins. Went to WPForm and created a fresh form and gave it a new name. Then, tried to Embed it into my Contact page without success. To make a long story short, next I completely deleted all the plugins I KNEW I wasn’t using. Then, 1 by 1 I replaced the 2022 theme with my Astra Pro, along with that plugin, and it worked. I continued adding the plugins, incl. the WP-Optimize, and UpDraftPlus Backup plugins THEN, using those plugins. STILL successful. Finally, I activated the Google Site Kit and when I went back to view my Contacts page that’s when I got the JS error. I’m using the Google Site Kit, AS OPPOSED to the MonsterInsights because 1.) It’s free, and 2.) It’s a stand alone, and I figured that would be simpler. 3. I’ve already gone through the hassle of installing all of the GA ID’s, and products. (BTW, I still never got the original error as of yet.) I looked at, and followed the instructions for Troubleshooting the JS error by downloading the AutoOptimize plugin, but I’m still getting the JS Error. That’s when it was getting TOO DEEP in the weeds. HEP ME!
George Lea
Getting below error msg on web site.
I am newbie to WP, please help me to resolve this.
Deprecated: Non-static method mijnpress_plugin_framework::is_admin() should not be called statically in /home/theworld/public_html/tradingnewssite.com/wp-content/plugins/auto-prune-posts/auto-prune-posts.php on line 353
]]>When I installed the Twenty Seventeen theme I wasn’t planning on having a blog so I deleted that page. I changed my mind and added a new Blog page.
I have set a static page and setup my Post Page as my new Blog page. When I try to publish a post I get “Publishing failed” msg.
Not sure what to do?
There is one old post that was done before deleting the original Blog page. When I go into that original post to edit it or add a new post I always get the same msg “Publishing failed”
Not sure what the next step it. I deleted that Blog page and have tried to make a new page called Blog and seeing if that would get the posts working. All it does is places that same old post from the original Blog page on the new Blog page and give the same error msg when trying to publish a post.
]]>What can I do?
]]>2 issues:
1) Eveything is working fine on: IE, Chrome, Edge, but in Firefox the bar that is beeing displayed, would not go away clicking on it.
2) This line appears
Notice: Undefined index: port in /customers/e/4/8/fleksjobbernetvaerket.dk/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/eu-cookie-law/defaults.php on line 52
Your site isn’t securely reaching the Jetpack servers.
error setting certificate verify locations:
CAfile: /home/brendath/public_html/wp-includes/certificates/ca-bundle.crt
CApath: none
I don’t know what that means nor what to do next. I really need to have this post working to my FB profile, and I am unclear why it works with Twitter, Google Plus, Tumbler, etc., but not FB. Thanks, looking forward to some help here.