I have issue with player performance. When I add new player performance as format “Number” or “Checkbox” then is visible on player stats and player list, when I change for format “equation”/”balans”/ polish “bilans” then is not visible. Can You help me where and how can modify php player. I have version Sportpress Pro 2.7.15. To better understand issue I put examples on pdf file
link below
]]>I would like to offer readers the opportunity to solve the following formula with input (number fields):
This is my equation:
1,15 · (M – (a + b · M + c · Y) ·Y) Euro
values for a, b, c:
if fieldname1 = 1 -> a = 0,04, b = 0,0004991, c = 0,00004620
if fieldname1 = 2 -> a = 0,03, b = 0,0003716, c = 0,00003450
if fieldname1= 3 -> a = 0,02, b = 0,0003716, c = 0,00002780
if fieldname1 = 4 -> a = 0,01, b = 0,0003035, c = 0,00002000
if fieldname1 = 5 -> a = 0,00, b = 0,0002251, c = 0,00001950
values for M and Y:
M = rent = fieldname3 (200 – 2500 €)
Y = monthly income = fieldname 4 (700-4000 €)
number of people = fieldname1 (1 – 5 people)
level = fieldname2 (7 levels)
rent = fieldname3 (200 – 2500 €) = M
M must be limited if the number of people and the rent (in different regions – fieldname2) exceed certain values – otherwise fieldname3 can be adopted:
if fieldname1 = 1
and fieldname2 = 1 and fieldname3 >= 347 take 347
and fieldname1 = 2 and fieldname3 >= 392 take 392
and fieldname2= 3 and fieldname3 >= 438 take 438
if fieldname1 = 2
and fieldname2= 1 and fieldname3 >= 420 take 420
and fieldname2= 2 and fieldname3 >= 474 take 474
if fieldname1= 3
and fieldname2= 1 and fieldname3 >= 501 take 501
and fieldname2= 2 and fieldname3 >= 564 take 564
fieldname1= 4
else if fieldname3 < if-statements above (347, 392, 438, 420, 474, …) take fieldname3
Is there a way to do this?
Thanks for help!
]]>I want to create a custom post type that has a few custom meta fields that can hold only numbers. One of them is to be used as OUTPUT while all the others as INPUTS.
Secondly, I want to include all the INPUTS in a custom equation (e.g. INPUT A + INPUT B + INPUT C etc.) and I want the result of computing that equation to be automatically filled/updated in the OUTPUT metafield.
I intend to use the number in the OUTPUT metafield as a post order criteria.
I found many plugins for performing calculations inside WordPress environment but all of them are for giving the user the option to fill in the equation inputs while I want that equation inputs to be automatically taken from the post metafields.
Any idea about what I should try?
]]>Basically, I want to create a form with 10 Field Type: Number, fields and 1 Field Type: Calculated Field, field. All those 10 fields are mentioned within the calculation field BUT the user will only fill out any 4 of those fields. I will attach screenshots to make the situation more understandable (sorry for the trouble).
My problem is, due to the equation I use, the empty fields still have an influence on the calculation field, and that’s bad. I cold use predefined numbers, which will result in a 0 so the empty fields won’t have an influence. But I can’t change the mode to “placeholder”, because then the numbers aren’t counted anymore.
Also, I cannot use Dropdown menus, because when I create 4 Dropdown menus for the user, to choose what 4 values he needs to fill out, the other 6 unchosen and predefined values are not counted anymore.
So there are 3 options in my mind:
1. Exclude empty fields from the equation: If it would be possible to do that, I could remove the predefined values and users can just fill out 4 fields.
2. Make unchose dropdown options count: I guess that would be the best solution, if possible. The predefined values prevent a wrong equation, and the user can just choose which fields they need to fill out.
3. Make “placeholders” count: If it would be possible to make placeholders count, the user would not be able to empty the field. Not the best option but still considerable.
I hope my problem became clear. The equation you can see in the screenshot only contains 2 fields atm, but the other 8 fields will be added with the same method.
Sorry for my bad English and I’m very thankful for any help.
cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/es5/tex-mml-chtml.js
Is this problem expected?
Is it possible to see the whole equation (probably with side scrolling)?
Is it possible to do have any line breaking?
(C / P)^p * 10^6 / 60 * n
C = fieldname 10
upper-case P = fieldname 11
lower-case p = fieldname 5
n = fieldname 12
this is the written code:
pow(fieldname10/fieldname11,fieldname5) * pow(10, 6)/60*fieldname12
The result shoud be 806,89 but the result of cff is 453874719.45563513 what is wrong here?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I know that Woocommerce has the capability to charge shipping based on a percentage of order cost by defining a max fee with the equation:
20 + [fee percent=”10″ max_fee=”4″] so I know its possible for Woocommerce to calculate a max fee for shipping.
Thanks in advance!
So, I need a way to create a dropdown menu with each meal having its own price. Example: Ribs: $10, Sushi $7, so on and so forth. What I am having trouble with is using the ‘value’ field by the meal’s name and use this value in an equation.
What exactly is the syntax for using the ‘value’ field in an equation?