I want to remove the tags shown under the posts and I can’t seem to do it. I tried commenting out the function and hiding them in style.css but it doesn’t work.
What do I do?
]]>In the comments/entry utility section of a Twenty Ten child theme, is it possible to have 2 different font sizes for the quantity/number of comments and the word “comments?” For example, “6” would be 20px and “comments” would be 15px.
Can this be done in CSS? Please help!
]]>I appreciate if you can help.
]]>I am having a bit of trouble. On my website I have a related posts section that sits on top of the entry-utility section, but I cannot figure out where into the CSS or which php file I need to write the page-break into. I am very much amateur at this, so fisher-price explanations are likely required.
]]>Please help!!
]]><?php if( !is_sticky() || !is_home() ) :?>
<div class="entry-utility">
</div><!-- .entry-utility -->
<?php endif;?>
I’m not sure how this code works as i am now trying to remove the cat-links, meta-sep, comments-link and edit-link contained in the entry-utility and i can’t figure it out.
Hope that is clear, can anyone help or point me in the right direction.
First post is sticky https://www.mijasguide.com/
Right now I’m building a site on a local host and problem is: I want to change my permalink options from predetermined to day and name. So I check the option in my WordPress desk, in Settings > Permalinks, but when I navigate my site and clic on the date of any post, I get the posts from another date! The site apparently defaults all dates to January, so, if I’m looking for the posts of June 17th, 2010, for example, instead of returning 2010/06/17, the site returns 2010/01/17 posts. And it happens with every date. But I don’t have this problem if I change my permalink options to predetermined.
One more thing: my site is in Spanish, so I’ve changed the names of days and months from English to Spanish in my locale.php. Maybe this has something to do with the problem. Also, this is the portion of code in my index.php, archive.php, search.php and all documents with posts and entry utilities:
<div class=”entry-utility”>
Esta entrada fue publicada el
” title=”Archivo”><?php the_time(‘j \d\e\ F \d\e\ Y’) ?>
which I checked and rechecked, again and again, and I don’t seem to find the solution. Thanks in advance for the help!