In Sepedi grammar, these types of negative markers (GA SE, KA SE) are used in what’s called Mood – specifically, they appear in different verbal moods. The mood of a verb indicates the speaker’s attitude or the way the action relates to reality (like stating facts, giving commands, expressing possibilities, etc.). So when choosing between GA SE and KA SE, the selection depends on which mood is being used in the sentence.
In my text, the “NOT” is bold, so it is a separate string for translation:
NOTE: This is NOT an election process, community members will NOT be voting for the Community Trustees.
This should be:
TLHOKOMEDI?O: Ye GA SE tshepedi?o ya dikgetho. Maloko a set?haba a KA SE kgethe Bahlokomedi ba Set?haba.
However, both “NOTS” are translated the same, either as “GA SE” or “KA SE”. I need them to translate independently.
]]>Your plugin’s English translation can be improved.
Please incorporate these syntax changes into your plugin’s DB tab.
Affected file:
Thank you!
]]>[moderator note:]
]]>we use your GTranslate plugin on the client’s sites and thank you for the plugin, we are satisfied. We have a small problem, more precisely a request from a client, so please help us, as this is very important.
This client’s site was created in the English language (he wants to keep it that way, he will not change the words manually), but he wants to have the possibility that the first main language (by default when accessing the site) is German language. This means that when someone accesses the site (from anywhere), the German language is displayed to everyone (as if the person manually clicked above in the header on “Globe” and selected the German language/translation and that’s how it was displayed since the site was made in the English language). Is it possible to do this with your plugin and how? Do you have any option or custom code that we can enter so that the first automatic language is German for everyone (even if the site is made in English)? So that visitors later, if they also want another language, have the option to change?
We’re sending you the settings we put on the plugin and a picture of what exactly we mean. Thanks in advance.
#GTranslate Settings:
#German like default/main language (like somebody had clicked this “Globe”)