Is it possible to make a running event show up until the end time has passed by? (event is 8.00-12.00, if it’s 7.00hr it shows because its in the future. At 9.00hr it still shows because the event is running till 12.00hr. When its 12.01 the event is over and not showing in the calendar)
]]>i am displaying a mix of normal and recurring events with this list. i want to show the end-date of the recurring events with this code, but it does not work – only the upcoming date. i can add recurring=1 to the code, but then only recurring events are displayed and my single events are not showing up anymore.
[events_list groupby=recurrence_id orderby="event_start_date, event_start_time" category="01-montag" limit="99"]#_EVENTLINK
#_24HSTARTTIME – #_24HENDTIME Uhr, #d.#m.#Y – #@d.#@m.#@Y
]]>Hello user your {xxx Membership plan} subscription expires in {xxx date}
So what I need to pull out are Membership Plan and the Expired date
I previously pull the data out from DB when we are using PMPro which was easy. But the serialized data stored in ms_subscriptions
meta_key is difficult for me to deal with.
I have search available info but can’t get my head round due to my limited coding skill
The [ms-member-info]
shortcode would have been ok if it includes Register date and Expired date value
As read in the above link test some of the fields that work, but none of the values under date fields work, in exception of user_registered
field which happens to exist under user field as well.
[pmpro_member field="enddate"]
Kindly help me on this issue, thanks
]]>is it possible to set the Enddate automaticly to Startdate after setting the Startdate?
Or alternative to leave Enddate blank, when it is a one_day_event?
Greetings FreeDee
]]>Events are ordered by year so previous years are no problem but for the current year I am changing the end date regularly so that past events include all up to todays date.
For example, this is the code I am using:
<h2 class=”hc_header”>Past Events</h2>
<h3 class=”hc_header”>2014</h3>
[hc_rse_events showevents=’daterange-reverse’ startdate=’2014-01-01′ enddate=’2014-08-11′]
Would be great if you could do something like this:
[hc_rse_events showevents=’daterange-reverse’ startdate=’2014-01-01′ enddate=’today’]
This is the link to the page:
Many thanks
]]>{event_subject} @ {event_location}<br />{event_startdate} { event_starttime} – {event_enddate} {event_endtime}
As a solution I added a further Tag: {event_enddatetime}
Here is the code you have to add into fsCalendar.php in function filterContent($content, $evt = NULL):
case 'enddatetime':
if (!empty($evt->to) && $evt->to != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
if (isset($opts['alwaysshowenddate']))
$l_sed = ($opts['alwaysshowenddate'] == true ? true : false);
$l_sed = $showenddate;
if (isset($opts['hideifallday']))
$l_hide = ($opts['hideifallday'] == true ? true : false);
$l_hide = $hideifallday;
// Do not display date if from AND to is the same
if ($l_sed == false &&
( mysql2date('d', $evt->to) == mysql2date('d', $evt->from) &&
mysql2date('m', $evt->to) == mysql2date('m', $evt->from) &&
mysql2date('Y', $evt->to) == mysql2date('Y', $evt->from) )) {
$rep = '';
} else {
if (isset($opts['fmtd']))
$rep .= $evt->getEnd($opts['fmtd'], 2);
$rep .= $evt->getEnd('', 2);
// Do not display time if from AND to is the same
if (($evt->allday == true && $l_hide == true) ||
($l_sed == false && $evt->from == $evt->to)) {
$rep .= '';
} else {
if (isset($opts['fmtt']))
$rep .= " " . $evt->getEnd($opts['fmtt'], 3);
$rep .= " " . $evt->getEnd('', 3);
} else {
$rep = '';
if (!empty($rep)) {
if (isset($opts['before']))
$rep = $opts['before'] . " " . $rep;
So you can use the Tag as follows:
{event_subject} @ {event_location}<br />{event_startdate} { event_starttime} {event_enddatetime; fmtd=d.m.Y; fmtt=H:i; before=-}
You can set extra formats for date and time with fmtd and fmtt. And the “-” is only prefixed if there is a enddate or enttime or both.
Maybe there are some things to fix, but for me it works at the moment.
So have fun.
]]>Can I re-install the previous version?
]]>I would like to add an “end date” to my posts, since my posts are displayed as events.
For example:
Event starts on 5th of May.
Event ends on 6th of July.
Right now I can only select one date; the date I want to publish my post on.
Is it possible to either change the code in the template or download a plugin to make an end date?
I have already been searching everywhere for a solution, but I cannot find an answer. Any help will be appreciated!