So I’m getting started with this right now and while I can insert audio files just fine using a bare MP3 URL or the shortcode, the attachments are not added to my feed. The audio player shows up just fine on the page but the feed is not modified.
I’ve ruled out my (custom) theme being an issue by switching my dev copy of the site to the default theme, where the problem persisted.
I’d prefer not to use a plugin for this, as it should be supported natively.
Anyone have any insight into this?
]]>I take a look at the method implementation in : wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php and saw those interesting lines :
// Handle enclosures
if ( is_array( $enclosure ) && isset( $enclosure['url'] ) && isset( $enclosure['length'] ) && isset( $enclosure['type'] ) ) {
Does any body know how to manage enclosure with this method ?
I tried this but definitevly doesn’t work, post is remotely created but not with enclosure :
$content = array(
'title' => 'title',
'description' => 'description',
'mt_allow_comments' => 0, // 1 to allow comments
'mt_allow_pings' => 0, // 1 to allow trackbacks
'post_type' => 'post',
'mt_keywords' => '',
'categories' => array(''),
'enclosure' => array('url'=>'','length'=>'','type' =>'')
$params = array(0,'admin','admin',$content,false);
if (!$client->query('metaWeblog.newPost',$params))
echo('Error occured while executing method : ' . $client->getErrorCode().":".$client->getErrorMessage());
$response = $client->getResponse();
var_dump($response) ;
Asking powerpress to modify the existing podcast enclosure brings up the poster image field, even though in my powerpress settings that field is intentionally left blank.
The fun starts when I try to delete that field and save the post; the post will not save updates, losing all my edits and returning to the posts listing instead of staying in the edit window.
So far, I’ve found two workarounds: manually edit the enclosure custom field to remove the “image” and image URL and using that update button to clear the cruft, or to not use the podpress import tool, and instead manually copy the info over from the saved podpress data still stored in the database (tedious, and not an option now that the remaining shows I need to convert have 250+ episodes each)
Just wanted to let someone know that the podpress import is misbehaving in regards to that unwanted poster image addition, and I’ve been able to repeat the behavior twice so far.
]]>Thanks in advance to anyone with the skilz to make this happen!
]]>Now I want to turn this enclosure feature back on so I can create a podcast feed to submit to iTunes but I can’t find where to reset it?
I hope someone will be able to help.
]]>Things that work fine:
– enclosures on normal posts
– RSS feed for custom post type, at [site]/feed/?post_type=podcast
(feed works fine, displays link to audio files – no problems there)
WordPress’ automatic recognition of MP3 links doesn’t seem to be working for this custom post type…
Without the bother of creating a new post type to test, any suggestions about how I get to the bottom of this?
Here’s where I’ve got to so far…
rss_enclosure() uses data from get_post_custom().
Taking a look at this, I can see that my custom post type does not have an enclosure field in the meta data…
– Any ideas why?
]]>thanks for any help in advance
]]>I’ve completely uninstalled and reinstalled firefox. It is also worth noting that a Mozilla Add-ons box opens up and a box with a red x. I’m a little fuzzy on this part because the computer is remote and I haven’t seen this happen. I’ve tried reinstalling the Java, shockwave, and flash plugins, but that hasn’t helped.
Any suggestions?
I’ll add the custom field “enclosure” for our podcast files with normal structure, but after the post is updated and I refresh the editor or go and look at the post page, the field’s been deleted!
This only happens with the field “enclosure”. Other fields I’ve tried don’t have no problem.
I’ve upgraded and deactivated all plugins. I’ve heard that this is a conflict with the Podpress or Podcasting plugins but neither of those are or have ever been activated.
Ideas? Kind of urgent issue here as this is a high volume site with a bunch of podcasts… thanks!