I am using a buddypress community site. There are 2 roles for members : regular and admin (admin is equivalent to WP admin). I am using the shortcode [wp-rss-aggregator ] to display RSS feeds in a widget.
If you are an admin, the feed items are displayed normally.
I you are a simple member, it says “No feed items found.”.
In the regular role capabilities, I have checked everything in “Templates”,”Feed items”,”Feed sources”.
Can anybody help, please ?
Thank you.
]]>I found your support article about what to check and made sure that all the settings are correct (also, I haven’t changed anything in the settings since last year, so I’m confident its not related to that). I tried clearing the cache, and that didn’t work. I disabled all plugins except for Woocommerce and the Feed plugin and regenerated the map, but the map is still empty of products. There’s obviously a conflict somewhere, but I’m at a loss where/how to find it. Can you help?
]]>Even after reading through the forums I couldn’t identify the problem I have with my RSS feed. It remains empty although I already published my first episode.
Cast Feed Validator says:
– Successfully completed XML parsing tests.
– Found zero items with a valid enclosure tag. Cannot validate. Did not finish feed tests.
Also I’m unable to upload to Google Podcasts.
I COULD upload to Deezer and Amazon Podcasts but only because they obviously don’t require the feed to not be empty. The respective feeds remain empty as well.
As a background: I’m using the DIVI theme and I’m self hosting my podcast file, meaning I am using the DIVI audio player where I submit the direct link to the mp3 of my file (if that’s of any importance).
I’d be thankful for any idea on this topic as I’m starting to lose hope.
Thank you
]]>I’m struggling with this plugin a little. I switched from XML to CSV feeds as I couldn’t get the XML to produce. Now I started with a Google Feed, that generates, I have to refine it a little in terms of filters and rules, but it is getting there.
I may have duplicated the feed and tried to Facebook and Bing versions, but these do not populate?
Do I have to create thee feeds from scratch without duplicating?
]]>I have read your article on how to set up a google local product inventory feed, followed all the steps, put the | after the store code (101| like this), but my feed still shows empty, I really don’t know how to solve this.
Can you help me with this, appreciate it a lot
I am accepted as a GN publisher for several months now. My articles are shown in Google News, although they don’t get clicked very much yet. This is my GN Publisher link: https://news.google.com/publications/CAAqBwgKMITblAswyaWqAw?hl=de&gl=DE&ceid=DE%3Ade
Since several weeks I recognized sadly, that GN stopped showing pictures for my articles, this had worked before. Some of my older articles still show the pictures, but the newer ones do not.
In addition to that, making everything worse, if you click on one of my articles in the News App, the shown preview consists only of my article’s short text given in the WP sidebar and there is also no “read more” nor a link to the site for the user to click/tap on. If you use the menu of the News App, you can choose to see the original page, but that should be shown directly in the app.
If you open my Google News page on a desktop-pc, there are only the titles, no pictures and no short texts. So this isn’t ideal either. No wonder, that my CTR on GN is abysmal.
This situation led me to install your interesting plugin. I had hopes, that I could fix the above problems with the help of your plugin.
But here I get into another problem, as your plugin seems to be unable to recognize my articles correctly.
It works fine with a feed like this https://zapzockt.de/feed/gn – My articles can be found there. So far so good. But that is a complete listing of all articles on my site, not all are really newsworthy, so using that feed might be a bad idea. I had this reflected in splitting my articles in different news categories and show only parts of my articles in different categories.
But as I use WPML to handle different language versions of my articles and have different categories on my site, the things get a bit complicated. The scheme for the URLs on my site is zapzockt.de/de/article or zapzockt.de/en/article. The corresponding feeds, that your plugin is generating are unfortunately empty,
like this one: https://zapzockt.de/de/spiele-news/feed/gn
or this one: https://zapzockt.de/de/reviews/feed/gn
same for the English versions: https://zapzockt.de/en/gaming-news/feed/gn
The files are generated and accessible, but there are no articles listed in those feeds. And for sure, GN is showing “no articles” if I put this feeds in the Publisher Center.
I already tried to edit some articles and save again, but that did not change anything.
I assume, that your Plugin has problems with WPML sorting my articles in subfolders? Or did I make another mistake?
I would really appreciate it very much if you could help me with this confusion. If I can help with any further information, just ask. Many thanks in advance.
Greetings from Germany,
I just updated the plugin and I tried to generate a new feed because of a price change in a product but now the feeds shows up empty. This happens to all current and new feeds I have when I update them.
Any idea how I can fix this?
Kind regards,
]]>I just updated the plugin and I tried to generate a new feed because of a price change in a product but now the feeds shows up empty. This happens to all current feeds I have when I update them.
Any idea how I can fix this?
Kind regards,
]]>I have a problem on a new domain with my page. I used your plugin since a year without any problem. I have an other page too and on there, the plugin works properly.
But in the new domain, I getting the Feed has no items errors again and again. I checked my feeds with the validator, and both of them is a valid RSS feed. I am using the same settings on this new page as in the previous one. I tried an other plugin, and the same feed worked with it, so my feeds are correct.
Do you have any idea what would be the problem?
Thank you! Pete