The docs advise of embedding content via Pinecone. However, I noticed that the Embeddings tab UI is updated from embedding via Pinecone as seen in the How To video to managing this functionality simply via the plugin dashboard within WordPress. I’m failing to find updates regarding this in the Changelog. Can you confirm if Pinecone is still relevant for this functionality, please?
]]>When this block is being rendered in frontend it should be excluded and not processed by WP Links plugin.
]]>It’s been awhile since I noticed this issue and keep saying I will investigate it further and never had the time until now.
I am still using WordPress 5.9.3
I have noticed that the post embed do not work anymore. I do not know if this is a customisation issue on my side or not, but I don’t think so.
About 6 months or a year ago (?), when I was pasting a link from my website into the editor it was creating an embed post in my articles.
Now, I still get a wp-embedded-content
<blockquote class="wp-embedded-content" data-secret="XWiUgYb41b">
But it doesnt show the preview of the post.
Here are some exemples :
Link 1 :
Where are : class=”wp-embedded-content” data-secret=
Link 2 : `
Where are : class=”wp-embedded-content” data-secret=`
Any idea whether its a custom issue with my website?
I looked into the css of those blockquote, but I don’t see anything
Thanks !
]]>I would like to display the UM login form in one of the posts on my website’s blog. I thought this could be achieved by copying the form’s shortcode into the Gutenberg editor, like this:
[ultimatemember form_id=”871″]
However, doing this makes the entire post inaccessible to logged-out users. If a logged-out user tries to click on the post with the login form inside it, they are instead redirected to the website’s front page (if they are logged in the issue doesn’t occur). I guess this happens for security reasons because the login form isn’t meant to be accessed that way(?). So my question is: is it at all possible to display the login form in places other than the dedicated Login page?
Edit: I also tried enabling the option ‘Activate Gutenberg blocks’ in the plugin settings and then tried embedding the login form in the post that way, but the issue still remains.
]]>A change which is set to roll out on October 24 will break embedded Facebook and Instagram content on WordPress sites.
To be specific, an upcoming API update will remove support for unauthenticated Facebook and Instagram embeds.
That means, after October 24, embedded content will only be supported for publishers with a Facebook developer account and a registered Facebook app.
The change is retroactive, so all Facebook and Instagram embeds on the sites of unauthenticated publishers will soon become broken. This has the potential to affect millions of sites.
Will it effect your plugin too? If yes, do you have any plan to fix this?
Thank you.
I manage a site with lots of embedded content and whenever I browse it on a mobile device, all the embeds get ugly black lines on the top and bottom, which means they are not resized proportionally.
A quick search led me to the option of creating a Child Theme and putting somewhere in it this line:
add_theme_support( 'responsive-embeds' );
but I found creating a child theme too difficult for me (don’t judge!).
source 1:
source 2:
Also I found the site which claims to solve responsive embeds one at a time. That doesn’t help me as it won’t scale to the amount of embeds I use and already have in existing posts.
May I request the addition of this tiny line in one of the future releases? Thanks in advance
I have already created a tag for each player and I would like to have a section on their page that displays all of the posts and pictures that are tagged with their name.
I know that I can include a link to the tag slug page, but I would like to include everything on one page if possible.
I did some research and found an Insert Page plugin, but that doesn’t seem to work with the tag slug; it doesn’t seem to be recognized as a page.
So I was wondering if there was anyone who knew of any way to accomplish this task?
I wish there was a shortcode. Or a widget that would display all of the content for a specific tag — where I could specify a tag or combination of tags, the number of items to display, and a link that would then take them to the tag slug page.
Does anything like that exist?
]]>I found this, and it works perfectly! THANK YOU!
and to the wp dev team, the new editor should go back to the hole it crawled out of and never be forced on anyone ever again.