I’m Shelby from YayMail dev team. We’re trying to integrate with WC Vendors and improve our addon.
Till now we haven’t confronted any big problem with the integration since the code from your plugin is very well-written and clear (hats off to your Developers!).
I only get a little issue that 2 of your email classes below is having the same email ID “admin_notify_application”:
Of course we can do a workaround, but it’s a bit inconvenient. I wonder if it’s a mistake or you guys did it on purpose?
I’m looking forward to hearing from you guys,
Thank you.
]]>There is an error in the Email tempalte related to the order object not loaded:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_order_number() on null
]]>I hope you’re all doing well!
I would like your help with the email templates. I updated the email layout in Settings/Emails, but when I save the changes, the screen refreshes, and only the default texts appear.
I also tried applying the theme through the Tools/Cleanup/Email Template path, but it’s not being applied either.
Could you assist me with this issue?
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards.
]]>{{ date_purchase }}
]]>Here is the template that is being sent after a user resets their password from getting a password reset link email first.
Subject: [global_site_title] Your new Password
Your password was successfully reset on [global_site_title]!
Username: [email_user_login]
Password: *** Successfully Reset ***
You can now login here: [shortcode for website login url]
I could not find any other information about this email template, so I may be mistaken that is a default wordpress email and it’s possible it may be triggered via another plugin. If so, you can disregard my request.
]]>I am testing out the email templates that users get when they sign up to a membership. I have discovered that one section of the email is worded exactly like the following:
“Membership Fee: The price for membership is $10.00 every 2 Days After your initial payment, your first payment is Free.after your 1 day trial.”
Note that there is a weird full stop between the words “Free” and “after” and it does not look professional. The way it is written currently, it should say “The price for your membership is” and there should be a full stop after the words “2 Days” so it says “The price for membership is $10.00 every 2 Days. After your initial payment,”
Unfortunately we cannot edit any of this ourselves since placeholder variables replace this entire sentence, including the non-changing portions like the phrase “The price for membership is”.
Can you please change it so that the actual variables (ie the numbers and durations) are replaced and changed by variables (ie, the bolded words and the trial period: “$10.00”, “2” “Days”, “1” “day”) so we can word the rest of it ourselves?
Please see this screenshot for an illustration of what I mean: https://prnt.sc/rMmMauasSuwF
My suggestion: What would be much better is if we had 6 different placeholders like the following in bold so we can have the freedom to write our own sentences using the same placeholdesr like the following examples:
“Free Trial: Your free trial of !!trial_duration_number!! !!trial_duration_unit!! has started. When your trial ends on !!trial_end!!, you will be charged the usual membership fee.
Membership Fee: Your membership account lasts !!membership_duration_number!! !!membership_duration_unit!! and costs !!membership_cost!!.”
An example with numbers:
“Free Trial: Your free trial of !!3!! !!day!!s has started. When your trial ends on !!June 1!!, you will be charged the usual membership fee.
Membership Fee: Your membership account lasts !!4!! !!week!!s and costs !!$10.00!!.”
Using this method we could use the same placeholders but change the wording to say this:
“Membership Fee: You have a !!trial_duration_number!! !!trial_duration_unit!! free trial which ends on !!trial_end!!. Your membership fee is !!membership_cost!! for every !!membership_duration_number!! !!membership_duration_unit!! and you will be charged this amount when your trial ends. To cancel, log in to your account.”
An example with numbers:
“Membership Fee: You have a !!3!!-!!day!! free trial which ends on !!June 1!!. Your membership fee is !!$10.00!! for every !!4!! week!!s and you will be charged this amount when your trial ends. To cancel, log in to your account.”
Note with this method we can add our own s for plurals and dash for hyphenated terms by adding them immediately after the placeholder variable and write our own email templates.
In any case, could you please change the way it is written at the moment with the weird full stop in the wrong place and the missing word, it does not look professional when we send it out to members that sign up.
Thank you
]]>Image display properly in Yahoo email but problem occur in gmail.
]]>View post on imgur.com