Just been setting up a few form actions, one of them being an email that sends on a new post created. I can customise most of it, apart the FROM NAME. It defaults to WordPress.
Is there a quick way to change this default?
]]>The “Email From” field in the back-end has the [useremail] shortcode, and as per our previous request 22 Feb 2018, this is broken and is really annoying. When my client receives a booking, they can’t reply to the person who made the booking. In addition, they also can’t easily track emails to and from that person because there’s no name included! This is what they see:
From: ” [mailto:[email protected]]
Changing the “Email From” field to my client’s email is just as useless because they can’t easily reply to people who have made bookings.
]]>When I get emails its using my gmail address and not an address tied to the domain so gmail flags it and gives the recipient a warning that it might not be a legitimate sender.
]]>For all job application emails, I am getting I can see the sender name as WordPress and email is [email protected]
How to change that?
I need to change the name and email which is displayed when using the email option of downloading a document.
The actual link to the document email which is delivered says it’s from WordPress <[email protected]>. This is nothing to do with Contact Form 7 as I have both a notification email and Mail 2 auto-responder going out from <[email protected]>.
There’s nowhere in the Email before download plugin to adjust the ‘from’ field as far as I can see.
Surely you should be able to change this there?
Many thanks in advance
PS – great plugin otherwise!
]]>I need to change the from_email since it’s not supposed to come from the same email I use as admin.
In the file ‘class-mailtpl.php’ I changed the mail manually like so:
public static function defaults() {
return apply_filters( 'mailtpl/defaults_opts', array(
'from_name' => get_bloginfo('name'),
'from_email' => '[email protected]',//get_bloginfo('admin_email')
Now it send from the email I want it to send from.
But I know this is the wrong way to do it, as it’ll get overwritten once it updates.
So my question is how to do it from the functions.php with a filter or something? I don’t know how to achieve this with hooks or filters or any other proper way.
]]>I have set up Postman SMTP, and have a little issue I hope you can help with.
In my setup, I had ticked the following boxes which I was unsure at the time what function they played in the final outcome:
under Email Addy, I ticked “Prevent plugins and themes from changing this”.
under Name, I ticked “Prevent plugins and themes from changing this”.
The result was that any form I tested, the test form I submitted showed myself ([email protected]) as the sender instead of the details I entered as a pretend submitted (eg I used the name Betty Boop, with email addy betty @ boop . com)
So, I decided to untick the above options and tested again. It did make a difference, although not perfect. It now shows in the From field of my unopened email:
admin @ improve21 .com . au on behalf of ‘Betty Boop’ <[email protected]>
I also ticked and tested each one individually. The 1st box (Email) addy tick is the one that was the culprit that showed me as the sender instead of Betty Boop. Ticking the 2nd one again (Name) showed the same as when unticked – so unsure what that field is even for.
I would like to remove the “admin @ improve21 .com . au on behalf of” bit from the resulting email.
I am assuming that the from field in the resulting email relates to your plugin, so would like help removing this bit.
I have provided below an image of what I mean.
]]>I am using Lite version of this plugin. There is “Send From This Name” setting in this plugin in which we have filled our company name. However when user is receiving an email, it is showing “Unknown Sender” in sent field.
Please chk screenshot here,
Let me know how this can be sorted out.