]]>Thank you!
]]>Here is an screen shot of what it looks like:
The thumbnails appear fine when the portfolio is placed on a web page, but the editing page gets very long and it is difficult to move projects up and down when the thumbnails are elongated.
]]>When i want it to look like this
I assume this is happening because of the CCS file? But its so strange I’m not sure what to look for.
When I preview my header in dreamweaver is works fine. Its not until i publish it that it becomes stretched and strange.
Any help would be appreciated
]]>Yesterday Firefox switched to and now the date appear elongated. It wors fine on IE but not on Firefox…
The date “aug 8th” is good but when you go with 2 digits “July 30”, then the window stretches. I tried to modify the font size but with no luck, only single number date will look “normal”.
Thanks for your help