Yet scheduled posts still aren’t drag-and-droppable. I’ve tried disabling all other plugins and Edit Flow modules, switching to the Twenty Twenty theme, and putting the filter in my theme’s functions.php file, all to no avail. Am I using the filter incorrectly?
]]>We’re looking at using edit flow for a client, and we’ve got a couple of questions.
Firstly, I found that for the Story Budget, it only reports on ‘posts’ and not ‘research’. Is there any particular difference between posts and research, and could we class the research reports as posts instead?
Can you limit the categories one of the users selects to just one?
How do we stop people publishing so they can only submit the post for approval?
Can we set email notifications for certain stages of the editing process (e.g. just Pending Review)?
]]>Great support!
]]>I need to hide two specific status of post (‘draft’, ‘pending’) for a specific role (
Enter your site to track your reference, but it does not work.
I added the following code, but I think it does not work.
Could you please help me!
* Limit custom statuses based on user role
* In this example, we limit the statuses available to the
* 'contributor' user role
* @see
* @param array $custom_statuses The existing custom status objects
* @return array $custom_statuses Our possibly modified set of custom statuses
function efx_limit_custom_statuses_by_role( $custom_statuses ) {
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
switch( $current_user->roles[0] ) {
// Only allow a contributor to access specific statuses from the dropdown
case 'contribuidor':
$permitted_statuses = array(
// Remove the custom status if it's not whitelisted
foreach( $custom_statuses as $key => $custom_status ) {
if ( !in_array( $custom_status->slug, $permitted_statuses ) )
unset( $custom_statuses[$key] );
return $custom_statuses;
add_filter( 'ef_custom_status_list', 'efx_limit_custom_statuses_by_role' );
Error: ReferenceError: current_user_can_publish_posts is not defined
Source File: […]/wp-content/plugins/edit-flow/modules/custom-status/lib/custom-status.js?ver=0.8
This seems to be due to Edit Flow being a little sloppy specifying where its JS runs, as this hack is taken from a support thread for another plugin.
The position for this hack will obviously change by plugin, but for Edit Flow 0.8, find wp-content/plugins/edit-flow/modules/custom-status
and add this at line 285, inside the action_admin_enqueue_scripts()
global $current_screen;
if(strpos($current_screen->base, 're-orderPost-transcript')){
The ReOrder Posts plugin should now function as expected.
This is obviously not ideal, but I need the plugin to work now, and this gets it done for me.
(You’ll have to settle on your own solution to prevent patched plugins from being updated, though Edit Flow has been dormant for something like two years, so…)
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