status: “error”,
error: “You need to login with a user that has ‘edit_posts’ capacity.”
]]>We’re setting up WordPress as a CMS, as such we’d like to completely hide the Posts tab from the admin menu. Using a plugin, we have created several roles and assigned different capabilities.
We’d like to have some roles that are able to edit site menus. Giving them the edit_theme_options capability allows them to get to the menu screen. Once there they can edit, delete menu items, and even create new menus, but unless I also give them the edit_posts capability, they are unable to add new menu items. They can add a menu item by clicking on “Add to menu”, but after they click on “Save menu”, the item disappears and no users can see it.
We’ve looked around for some solutions and the best thing we’ve found was to try reassigning the capabilities by changing the $wp_post_types[‘nav_menu_item’]->cap object, but that doesn’t seem to have any effect.
Looking into the database, I noticed that when a user without edit_posts adds a menu item, it’s being added to the wp_posts table, but there’s no corresponding row in the wp_terms_relationships table.
Without digging more into the WordPress code, we’re kind of stuck at this point. So is there a way to allow users to add menu items to a menu without giving them the edit_posts capability?
]]>What i want to do ?
I want to write some posts for customers, and then let them choose what they want to publish or not without the possibility to edit them. (It is really important that they cannot edit the different posts)
What i tried ?
I tried to use the plugin “user role editor” by creating a role “toto” which have “publish_posts” and “read” caps.
What happenned ?
In the Dashboard the “Posts” menu disappeared and “toto” can’t access the list of the different posts to publish them.
Please tell me there is a solution (even if i have to use something else than user role editor)
Note : Sorry for my english, it’s not my native language…
]]>I’ve got a few custom post types developed for students to use but I want them to still see the “Right Now” dashboard widget. Unfortunately, my role, “student”, does not include the edit_posts capability and, thus, is not allowing that role access to the “Right Now” widget.
Why is edit_posts attached to the widget? Any idea on how I can get access to the Right Now widget without edit_posts?
]]>My new role actually supports edit_post, edit_published_posts, delet_posts, delete_published_posts, publish_posts, read_posts in addition to a couple of custom capabilities.
This was strange, so i wrote a quick little loop to show me all of the blog members who have ‘edit_post’ capability. The only ones that it would reported with that capability were Administrators.
Of course, changing a user to have a built-in role (e.g. Editor or Author) and, magically, they’re reported as having the capability.
Is there some mystical incantation that I’m supposed to embark before capabilities are “active”?
(BTW, I’m using WP 3.1. To make sure I’m seeing/assigning capabilities correctly, I used Tadlock’s MEMBERS plug-in then double-checked it again using Garagulya’s User Role Editor plug-in
]]>What have I done wrong?
I’ve mapped the meta capabilities.
]]>$menu[20] = array( sprintf( __('Comments %s'), "<span id='awaiting-mod' class='count-$awaiting_mod'><span class='comment-count'>$awaiting_mod</span></span>" ), 'moderate_comments', 'edit-comments.php');
(I just replaced the ‘edit_posts’ with ‘moderate_comments’ and it’s working the way it should now, as in, those users who do not have moderate_comments role assigned to them cannot see the Comments link in the navigation menu)
hopefully this should be looked at and fixed in 2.5.2 or something, just so I don’t have to do it manually every time….
]]>I’m trying to add an option to edit a specific category through the admin menu. I’d like to be able to say add news, and just add posts to the news category with his cat=1 but is the default, so thats easy… How would I do the same thing with adding a button that will point to cat=2? to add event dates?
]]>according to the documentation, users who have the role of “author” within the blog should be able to come back and edit their own comments after submitted (based on edit_posts).
but, even when logged in, an author in my blog doesn’t see a link to “edit” next to ‘eir own comment along with the other post metadata, and there’s no links to do this from the dashboard interface either. i also went in as an editor, copied the correct url for editing an author’s post, and then logged in as that author. it said i (as author) didn’t have permission.
an author does see a link allowing ’em to edit just their own posts, but not their own comments.
“editor” and “admin” in the blog get these links.
any ideas?