This is great and exactly what I need, however, I noticed that some images are being uploaded with “-1” just before the “.jpg” such as even though there is no file with the same name.
I’ve deleted the media and reuploaded but it still adds the “-1” and I’m completely lost on what to do next. I tried searching for a URL editor but the only thing I can find is a bulk editor for site migration.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
]]>“Creating Individual Feeds for the New Blogs
If someone were to subscribe to your blog, the feed they would get would include each individual category. Because they’d be subscribing to the website’s feed. If you want to get a separate feed for each individual category on your site, it’s dead simple: add /feed to the end of the URL. That’s it. Super easy. Super simple. People can subscribe to the new blogs at something like this:”
The slug doesn’t allow me to add /feed. How do I do it???
]]>However, while I’m in the list of redirects, using “edit URL” feature to edit the URL has the correct URL appear as correct in the plugin but seemingly not on the actual site.
Not only do I have to edit the link manually every time, it will also not appear as redirects in the plugin anymore after a re-check.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
]]>Broken link checker keeps telling me there are broken links. When I update the link by clicking Edit URL, it saves and shows a 200 status when I recheck. However, a couple of days later the same error show.
Please advise
]]>Did you have any resolve?
I don’t know if this issue is about the series plugin, but the string referenced in the error message referenced the plugin. But other series load without a problem.
I tried to see if I could edit the url of the page and I could not. I did have the ability to edit other posts that were from around the same time period and part of series.
Since these posts are from 2011 I had not tried to access them and thus do not know how long they have been inaccessible; a reader notified me about the problem.
Plugin List
Adsense Explosion
AdSense Now!
Bad Behavior Service
BlogGlue Related Posts Network Plugin
Broken Link Checker
Clean Archives Reloaded
Jetpack by
MailPoet Newsletters
MailPoet Newsletters Premium
Multi-column Tag Map
Organize Series
Search & Replace
Simple Facebook Connect
Simple Twitter Connect – Base
STC – Comments
STC – Follow Button Widget
STC – Followers Widget
STC – Linkify
STC – Login
STC – Publish
STC – Tweet Button
STC – TweetMeme Button
STC – Twitter Dashboard
Vixy YouTube Embed
Weaver File Access Plugin
Weaver II Theme Extras
WishList Member
WordPress SEO
WPMU DEV Dashboard
Yet Another Related Posts Plugin