I am having the same problem, however i was able to fix it on the main page to an extent. However I am not able to change it on the other pages. How do I go about making the changes to other pages on the site?
This is the change I made to the home page. Previously the padding: 5x 0; was 60x.
I would like to make it closer to the header if possible.
I also need to do this on all of the pages. Is there a simple way of doing this? I have quiet a few pages. Is there a program (plug-in) that will make this change across all the pages?
#st-content-wrapper {
min-height: 10rem;
margin: 0;
padding: 5x 0;
font-size: 13px;
font-size: 0.813rem;
line-height: 22px;
line-height: 1.375rem;
color: #848484;
So I downloaded the theme ZINC from themeforest. I have asked the author for some help, but I am not sure if he wants to answer this question Maybe some of you could help! It might actually be easier then I was originally thinking.
My site is https://ApperSnapper.com
Referring to these pages:
There is a portfolio function in the theme with the custom CSS and all embedded nicely, however I am wanting to lengthen the individual portfolio description excerpt (text) so more text can be seen on the individual portfolio pages.
I also want to add pinterest pin buttons and other buttons on the right side of the image. The issue is that there is no visible way that I can see to edit that on the front-end? I wanted to add some call-to-action buttons like “download this app” etc. however unfortunately I don’t know what sheet to edit and how to do it. I have edited some sheets before but I’m a little unsure how to edit/do this.
Any help would be fantastic!
#content .gallery .gallery-icon img {border: none;}
I understand that, but I just don’t know exactly where to put this! Thanks for any help!
]]>When viewed in a browser, I can’t get a blank line to appear between paragraphs no matter how many actual paragraph breaks are in the code… help?
]]>I want to change the position and color of the child page menu in the sidebar. Can anybody tell me what css code i need to edit in the stylesheet?