I designed this site some years ago using the Divi theme. My customer would always keep the concert table up to date, but it seems this is no more possible. Also I can’t edit the table no more.
I tested already deactivating all other plugins, nothing changed. Please give me a hint.
Best regards,
Wondering: you mention user permissions but to what extent are users able to see things and not see things?
I want to create private discussions — I would be able to set up users authorized to view these discussions, too. In fact, I would manage the whole process.
What I need to have though, above all else: I do not want private areas to be seen at all. Meaning, not in search. Not even a title that someone can see to click on. For all intents and purposes, any area they have not been given permission to access does not exist. Completely invisible to them, in every sense of the word.
I also want to make sure I can turn off the ability for users to edit their comments or delete their comments. That way, if there are any “shenanigans” on my site, I’ll have a record of it.
]]>does anyone have up to date code to update this. I want to tell them how to get the password – and ideally add an image as well – although this isn’t vital
]]>It was working and now it will not publish new popups or allow me to change old ones to edit triggers.
I am using very latest WordPress 4.4.2 I think and a Templatic theme that is updated. I have a multisite wordpress and other plugins that create articles and collections. The network update works and the Popup Maker settings does recognize the posts created by the other plugins and lists them in the trigger settings on the edit form. It will not update the popup with the new triggers or allow the triggers to be saved after the new pages are checked in the trigger edits.
]]>I’ve inherited management of a site from someone else, and I haven’t logged in for most of this year. I updated to 3.5 last December and had no problems with it in the months following. *Note that I am probably lower than a newbie with this, as all my forum/support research keeps turning up jargon and procedures with which I am absolutely baffled!
When I logged in yesterday, the dashboard was all wonky and different– most notably, all my usual boxes and sidebar tools were either gone or absent of their familiar entries: no more widgets, settings, pages, etc. (For example, under Tools, all I get is an invite to install Press This– nothing else.) I have no links to the theme or any way to affect it, nor anything at all about plugins.
Most disturbingly, I cannot now edit or alter most of my posts. Where the posts/pages list normally shows all posts in blue, with “edit/quick edit/trash/view” links beneath, now, 19 out of 22 posts appear in black and not clickable, and the ONLY link that appears is “view.” I have a Sticky page that I need to un-Sticky and put up a new one, and I cannot!
This is very bizarre and quite unexpected, since I haven’t touched the site since its last successful use earlier this year. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Could there be a problem on the server side? I’m not controlling the hosting – that’s on some server belonging to the previous owner.
]]>I am totally new to this, i actually bought a WP design from a company that i cant reach anymore
So i started to read and understood the basic.
What i want to know is if i somehow need to change an image or what is going on since when i try to change the text in the editor by:
Generating a tag, change the class to submit_button an then label to “Skicka” instead of “send” i get this code: <p>[submit class:send_button “Skicka”]</p>
But still the page shows “submit” see here: https://screencast.com/t/cT5GpWfIjW
The code in contact-form-7/modules/submit.php (that says inactive after for some reason, do i need to switch this on some how?) is this:
** A base module for [submit]
/* Shortcode handler */
add_action( 'init', 'wpcf7_add_shortcode_submit', 5 );
function wpcf7_add_shortcode_submit() {
wpcf7_add_shortcode( 'submit', 'wpcf7_submit_shortcode_handler' );
function wpcf7_submit_shortcode_handler( $tag ) {
$tag = new WPCF7_Shortcode( $tag );
$class = wpcf7_form_controls_class( $tag->type );
$atts = array();
$atts['class'] = $tag->get_class_option( $class );
$atts['id'] = $tag->get_option( 'id', 'id', true );
$atts['tabindex'] = $tag->get_option( 'tabindex', 'int', true );
$value = isset( $tag->values[0] ) ? $tag->values[0] : '';
if ( empty( $value ) )
$value = __( 'Send', 'wpcf7' );
$atts['type'] = 'submit';
$atts['value'] = $value;
$atts = wpcf7_format_atts( $atts );
$html = sprintf( '<input %1$s />', $atts );
return $html;
/* Tag generator */
add_action( 'admin_init', 'wpcf7_add_tag_generator_submit', 55 );
function wpcf7_add_tag_generator_submit() {
if ( ! function_exists( 'wpcf7_add_tag_generator' ) )
wpcf7_add_tag_generator( 'submit', __( 'Submit button', 'wpcf7' ),
'wpcf7-tg-pane-submit', 'wpcf7_tg_pane_submit', array( 'nameless' => 1 ) );
function wpcf7_tg_pane_submit( &$contact_form ) {
<div id="wpcf7-tg-pane-submit" class="hidden">
<form action="">
<td><code>id</code> (<?php echo esc_html( __( 'optional', 'wpcf7' ) ); ?>)
<input type="text" name="id" class="idvalue oneline option" /></td>
<td><code>class</code> (<?php echo esc_html( __( 'optional', 'wpcf7' ) ); ?>)
<input type="text" name="class" class="classvalue oneline option" /></td>
<td><?php echo esc_html( __( 'Label', 'wpcf7' ) ); ?> (<?php echo esc_html( __( 'optional', 'wpcf7' ) ); ?>)
<input type="text" name="values" class="oneline" /></td>
<div class="tg-tag"><?php echo esc_html( __( "Copy this code and paste it into the form left.", 'wpcf7' ) ); ?><input type="text" name="submit" class="tag" readonly="readonly" onfocus="this.select()" /></div>
I have a similar problem with other buttons but if i figure out this i will be able to change them as well i think.
Would really appreciate some help here.
]]>I use comment_text() function in a while loop to list comments in my theme. By default this function produce a <p> tag with the comment text in it.
Now, I want to ask is there any way to add an id to the HTML element <p>?
]]>I must be missing something obvious but I just can’t see what!
]]>This works this way from my laptop running Firefox 3.5 but not from my desktop, also running Firefox 3.5 I have tried clearing the cache, disabling add-ons and extensions, but nothing seems to work. Any suggestions?
I am running version 2.9