When I try to visit my blog at georgegarside.x10.bz/blog I get this message:
Warning: require(/home/ggarside/public_html/blog/wp-includes/load.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/ggarside/public_html/blog/wp-settings.php on line 19
Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/ggarside/public_html/blog/wp-includes/load.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/ggarside/public_html/blog/wp-settings.php on line 19
I really need someone to help me – my website revolves around my blog.
Thanks in advance.
PS: I think that the version of my wordpress is 3, but i’m not sure.
]]>Can anyone please help me fix this so it displays right?
]]>I don’t mind editing core files (edit-form-advanced.php), I just need to know if there is a way to use something like the Maxlength Plugin (https://remysharp.com/2008/06/30/maxlength-plugin/) to limit the quantity of characters on a wordpress post when writing it
i couldn’t find a way to do this, i know i can limit characters once it is published, but i want to limit them when writing the post
if there is no way to achieve this, it also could be useful a way to count the characters i’m actually writing
thank you!
]]>When the author list is shown, there is no scroll bar (unless it appears off screen to the right), typing ANY alpha character taken you to the top of the list, and PageUp and PageDown don’t work.
I’ve got a scroll wheel on my mouse so I can find my way (slowly) to the right author, but what are users without a scroll wheel supposed to do?
]]>On a WP 2.1 blog I setup awhile ago I have a problem (not new but starting to bother me badly) where if I select write -> write post the page can take almost 30 seconds to load at time (it loads but then takes awhile to timeout). Note that if I edit an existing post, the page loads instantly!
It’s also important to note that when I save a new post, it also takes awhile to time out. Editing an existing post saves instantly.
I highly suspect an ajax issue that is never completing.
But why only on new posts?
This may be either a bad plugin misbehaving or my server config, considering I can’t find anyone else with this problem.
Here’s what I tried:
1. disabling javascript in the browser to see if it a script issue = doesn’t change a thing (strange)
2. commenting out all the plugin callbacks in the wp-admin/post-new.php code to disable plugins attached to new posts -> no change
Unfortunately I can’t see what file is being called in my firewall, doesn’t show up, so maybe the request is not even being made. Firefox javascript debugging also is useless in this case. Just gets the “script is running slowly” error on rare occasion.
Another interesting effect is that if the “write new post” page is open in wordpress, if I switch away to another tab and come back to the old tab, the same long delay happens. This indicates a javascript onfocus/onchange issue to me but I can’t seem to find it.
Many thanks for any ideas!
]]>I apologize if this topic was brought up before, but I have been searching for a while and have been unable to find anything close. I am on my last leg of building my site (without knowing much PHP)and am in need of some direction…
I have edited my edit-form.php file to where it fits the needs of the users of my site (all levels below Admin) but I really need the edit-form-advanced.php available at the Admin level.
I think there might be a way to do this by changing some of the code in post.php, but I am unsure how to do this.
I haven’t been able to find a plugin that does something like this – and would love to try one.
I will appreciate any hints on how to do this. I have been reading through this forum all week, and it seems that everyone is very helpful! Hopefully I’ll be able to give back some WP advice soon too, after I learn all the ropes!
Thanks in advance!