Screen shot:
]]>Please see the link to my webiste – at the bottom of the page are some quotation marks that I do not want. They are also visible on the ‘art’ page too. I think that this is due to the code < p > < block quote > < /block quote > < / p > however I cannot find how to delete this in the back end of wordpress. Can someone advise? I will be grateful for any suggestions.
Many thanks,
I run a Multisite installation of WP (subfolders). I have the main blog and four other blogs.
I want to add StatCounter script to each of my blogs. StatCounter asks me to add the code right before the closing </body>.
The problem is, I don’t see an option to do that in each blog. Only in the Admin, manaiging all the network, I see the option to edit the theme code.
But this seems to make no sense to me. If I add the code there, by editing the code in the Admin page, how could I add the code to each of the other blogs? This and some other script codes, like the one from Google Analytics, the one from Facebook, etc.
Thank you.
Order number: 1728 Order date: September 17, 2019
Order number: 1728
Order date: September 17, 2019
I’ve tried to insert simple line breaks <br> and other quick fixes in Woocommerce child, functions.php, admin-new-order email, etc… files but no luck. Where can I do this?
Could someone help?
Thank you.
A long while back I inserted a ScrollToTop code piece I found on the net and got a nice working site.
I would like to change the button image but for the life of me can’t find what I modified to update it. (too long ago and I never wrote it down)
I have a pretty much empty child theme folder with a default functions.php and style.css and the code isn’t in there.
tldr; Where could I start looking for a 2-3 year piece of code that inserts a ScrollToTop option ?
]]>I don’t know how to remove the category title in my blog – could you please help?
Here’s the blog:
You can see the category title is: All posts in Podcasts
I’ve checked out other help posts on here re. this, but the solutions I’ve tried keep stuffing up my blog. I’m probably just implementing them wrong. Here’s one I found:
In archive.php, I have the following:
<div class="navigation page-navigation">
<div class="nav-next"><?php next_posts_link(__('← Older Entries', 'zilla')) ?></div>
<div class="nav-previous"><?php previous_posts_link(__('Newer Entries →', 'zilla')) ?></div>
<!--END .navigation .page-navigation -->
<?php else :
if ( is_category() ) { // If this is a category archive
printf( __('<h2>Sorry, but there aren\'t any posts in the %s category yet.</h2>', 'zilla'), single_cat_title('',false));
} else if ( is_date() ) { // If this is a date archive
echo(__('<h2>Sorry, but there aren\'t any posts with this date.</h2>', 'zilla'));
} else if ( is_author() ) { // If this is a category archive
$userdata = get_userdatabylogin(get_query_var('author_name'));
printf(__('<h2>Sorry, but there aren\'t any posts by %s yet.</h2>', 'zilla'), $userdata->display_name);
} else {
echo(__('<h2>No posts found.</h2>', 'zilla'));
endif; ?>
<!--END #primary .hfeed-->
Is the correct code to remove in there?
Any help would be great!
When logged in users visit they see page A
When logged out users visit they see page B
is there a plugin that does that or do i have to edit some code?
]]>I am currently trying to make my portfolio website as a single page layout, using the following theme:
I’m having some issues because I want to change a few things.
I wish to make the first (home) page with a black background, but keep the others white which is the theme background. I’ve tried:, #wrapper {background:#000;}, #wrapper, #content {color:#999;}
however since it’s a single page layout where all pages are really one page, it just makes the whole background black.
I wish to remove the banner ribbons and just have text for each page heading.
I also wish to widen the page separators, or remove them.
The tutorial I’ve been following is
Atm my website is under a nameserver change with a different domain so I’m waiting for that to update over the next day or two so I can’t show the website just yet.
Thanks for any help!