After a while the whole former project required a complete redesign and redevelopment under a temporary domain, pointing to a folder on the same server, side by side with the first version. So that should not be a cause for trouble.
I did the new site setup from scratch and used a database dump from the first site to make use of the content again. During the setup several former plugins flew out or got replaced by others, one i coded myself and my “favs” were installed again – so was Easymail.
After setup of Easymail i had only done a rather rough check to see if everything would be working as expected. And so it seemed back then.
Now, after switching domains yesterday, i rechecked everthing upon proper functioning again. And by doing that with Easymail, i saw, that the links to confirm and to unsubscribe don’t work and that clicking the link to see the online version will be led on to open the start page.
Example confirmation link:….
Example unsubscribe link:….
The page “Newsletter” is setup and contains the shortcode.
Calling it shows the form. Filling the form field with an eMail address leads to an outgoing mail, informing the sender that he/she needs to confirm. All fine.
Except the confirmation URL is incomplete and thus can’t work.
I found out,
that the slug /newsletter/ is missing in the URL.
Manually entering… in a browser seems to do the trick with the confirmation code and the unsubscribe code.
However, the regular online page output of a newsletter still leads to a “Page not found”. With that missing i could live, without the basic functions of subscribing and undoing that not so much…
I read through your FAQ, tried “this&that” and yes, i have saved the permalinks too serveral times.
After searching, trying and failing for some hours now, i am tempted to hard code the missing slug in the function writing the URLs – but i’m sure that there must be another way to make Easymail work as it did for years now…
Do you have any idea/hint what could prevent the new setup from building the complete URLs? Or perhaps a “cure” to that?
But it won’t work. I pasted the code in different WordPress blogs, but there was no sucess
]]>I’m getting a php notice about a call to a deprecated function in Polylang. Looks like this:
Notice: get_languages_list was called incorrectly in /www/webvol/nnnn/xxxx.xx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/alo-easymail/alo-easymail_functions.php on line 3448: the call to $polylang->get_languages_list() has been deprecated in Polylang 1.2, use $polylang->model->get_languages_list() instead. Error handler in /www/webvol/nnnn/xxxx.xx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/polylang/include/base.php on line 112
]]>I see that in ALO Easymail there is ip_address collumn in wp_easymail_subscribers table.
The problem is, that this table is NULL for all subscribers …
Maybe it’s not used now and planned in future?
]]>I use WP-Member to allow users to register and access a page. They can logon, then change their name and mailadress and hit Save. Under this form, i have the ALO newsletter radiobutton form (Yes to newsletter OR No thanks to newsletter).
When they change emailadress and hit Save, the ALO radiobutton jumps down from YES to NO. (Because the ALO probably don’t see the new adress in its database?)
They click YES to newsletter and its add a new subscriber to the newsletter, leaving the old adress as well.
You probably see my problem here, I need the mailadress to change for ALO when I change the mailadress for the user, not add another one. Is this possible?
If this can be fixed I love that!
Thanks you so much!
]]>BUT, it dont work together with ALO EasyMail Newsletter. In the ALO plugin, I get the error “Invalid Column Value: Please contact the plugin developer.“, But that errorcode is from this plugin.
I have searched this and it seams like both uses “default:” or “swtich” near the codes where this appears. I dont know what this means, and dont have the skill to find the problem.
I wrote at the ALO plugin support and got this from the developer:
Anything that can be fixed you think?
Thank you!