When looking into my error log I noticed thousands of notices: “Notice: Undefined variable: mobile_rel_link”
If you google this error message, you actually find many wordpress websites that are having the same issue and that are displaying the error message on their frontends.
The fix for this issue is should quite easy. Can you replace
if ( $mobile_rel_link == '' )
if ( empty( $mobile_rel_link ) )
on line 328, class-emr.php
Thanks in advance
ps. I spent some time trying to figure out how I could create a pull request with this minor change; but couldn’t manage to checkout this repo in my Sourcetree. I guess it doesn’t work with SVN
]]>As victims of daily bruteforce, (before we had Cloudflare firewalls rules), his WP credentials were breached. Our wordpress was up-to-date but our PHP was not at the time.
The bot created new ‘pages’ that cannot be seen in the WordPress dashboard.
I accidentally ran across it via Googling: site:hypelist.ca
**Check now and you will see it’s littered with Italian spam redirects from pages show as 404 errors (according to https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/)
Disregard the ‘other’ malware (rogueads.unwanted.ads) They’re scripts from an ad network.
I’ve located some of the malware. In my root directory, I have a folder
called: postnew (last modified 1969-12-31 lol)
postnew contains:
1. idlogs.txt
2. index.php
3. moban.html
When I delete this file, it appears again after a few minutes.
.htaccess: Our .htcaccess file appears compromised as well because of the Rewrite rules that are directed to postnew/index.php
Once again, when I delete the rewrite rules related to the above, it appears again.
I’ve even deleted the .htaccess file and create a new one via wordpress dashboard, no luck.
XML-RPC seems normal, but is it supposed to include: https://cyber.law.harvard.edu/blogs/gems/tech/rsd.html near the top?
I’ve deleted a few plugin I thought could be an issue. Persists.
I’ve searched wp-includes, but would take forever to potentially find anything.
****When I deleted the postnew folder, My wp-admin page broke. Looks like this
When I use /wp-login.php I looks fine, upon successful login, it leads to the broken /wp-admin page.
I know some may suggest backup and reinstall WordPress. I’ve heard other online still had the issue after a clean install.
My friend attracted the malware, but I played around and broke the site even further.
Any help would be appreciated.
*note I do not have access to WordPress dashboard. Only Cpanel, FTP & Cloudflare.
I will try to respond ASAP to move this along quickly.
Thanks in advance and for your time.
]]>They also explain the issue:
The static-loaded scripts (yes, even from CDN’s) introduce huge page-load blocking delays. Google measures the delay at ten seconds! AND, they show exactly which scripts are causing the pain.
I implemented a full set of the suggested dequeue methods, allowing me to pretty easily test and see if Google is correct. They are. My Google score went from 10 (awful) to 80 (not bad). GTMetrix eliminated both “F” scores from my page load. And I lost zero functionality of interest for this site!
* Results of my testing.
* A more complete script people can insert into their theme functions.php
* A suggestion for improving this plugin if the creator can find some ’round tuits
I hope this will be helpful for others.
– Removing PDF export scripts eliminated 7 seconds of render-blocking delay
– Removing Excel export scripts eliminated another 1+ sec.
– Removing the duplicate jquery load (WP already uses jquery) and charts eliminated about 1/2 sec more.
// for gdoc, remove unneeded scripts and css
function gdoc_dequeue_misc_table_scripts ($scripts) {
// Avoid duplicate jquery load
// (only disable if your WP doesn't already load... I have never seen a site w/o jquery already :) )
// unset($scripts['datatables-buttons']);
// unset($scripts['datatables-buttons-colvis']);
// unset($scripts['datatables-buttons-print']);
// For PDF export:
// For Excel export:
// unset($scripts['datatables-select']);
// unset($scripts['datatables-fixedheader']);
// unset($scripts['datatables-fixedcolumns']);
// unset($scripts['datatables-responsive']);
// unset($scripts['igsv-datatables']);
// unset($scripts['google-ajax-api']);
return $scripts;
function gdoc_dequeue_misc_table_styles ($styles) {
// unset$styles['jquery-datatables']);
// unset$styles['datatables-buttons']);
// unset$styles['datatables-select']);
// unset$styles['datatables-fixedheader']);
// unset$styles['datatables-fixedcolumns']);
// unset$styles['datatables-responsive']);
return $styles;
add_filter('gdoc_enqueued_front_end_scripts', 'gdoc_dequeue_misc_table_scripts');
add_filter('gdoc_enqueued_front_end_styles', 'gdoc_dequeue_misc_table_styles');
Eventually, why not implement a settings UI that allows simple site-wide enable/disable of various big picture DataTables features? By default, you could leave PDF and Excel export disabled, and datatables-jquery as well since it would be rare to need it in the WP context.
]]>Download the release from https://github.com/leafo/scssphp/releases. Make sure it is version 0.7.6
Open with a ZIP utility
Navigate into the “bin” folder. You will see “pscss”
Extract “pscss” into wp-content/plugins/wp-scss/scssphp/bin
Instant builds will now trigger.
Other than this bug, the plugin works very well, WHEN it actually compiles
I’m getting the following message when browsing some screens in the dashboard (ex those of the Members plugin): “Notice : Trying to get property of non-object in xxx/xxxxxx/xxxx/xxxx/plugins/events-manager/classes/em-location-post-admin.php on line 154“.
The fix seems pretty straightforward, simply check if $post is empty before manipulating it:
public static function meta_boxes(){
global $EM_Location, $post;
//no need to proceed if we're not dealing with a location
if(empty($post) || $post->post_type != EM_POST_TYPE_LOCATION ) return;
contains many HTML elements which interfere/ are incompatible with my theme. If you could merely relocate it to the rsvpmaker-plugabble.php
file, I could easily override it in my custom rsvpmaker-custom.php
As it is currently, I cannot upgrade this plugin without causing errors to my site.
]]>Here is the page of one of my broken websites.
Here is the page of my not broken website.
The problem: If you click on the broken page link, and then click on “review benefits”, the roll out highlight appears. Problem is, when i left click (just even once) on the roll out, it rolls back in. My issue with this is that I need to add a link to some of these, and i can’t click on link because it will roll back in.
If you click on the healthy page, you can see that it doesn’t happen.
Help?? I’m not sure what i need to do.
]]>The code for the plugin:
/* Calculating sizes */
if ( $thsource == ‘custom-field’ ) {
$debug .= ‘Custom sizes;’;
$width = get_option( ‘relpoststh_customwidth’, $this->custom_width );
$height = get_option( ‘relpoststh_customheight’, $this->custom_height );
else { // post-thumbnails source
if ( $poststhname == ‘thumbnail’ || $poststhname == ‘medium’ || $poststhname == ‘large’ ) { // get thumbnail size for basic sizes
$debug .= ‘Basic sizes;’;
$width = get_option( “{$poststhname}_size_w” );
$height = get_option( “{$poststhname}_size_h” );
elseif ( current_theme_supports( ‘post-thumbnails’ ) ) { // get sizes for theme supported thumbnails
global $_wp_additional_image_sizes;
if ( isset( $_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $poststhname ] ) ) {
$debug .= ‘Additional sizes;’;
$width = $_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $poststhname ][ ‘width’ ];
$height = $_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $poststhname ][ ‘height’ ];
$debug .= ‘No additional sizes;’;
// displaying square if one size is not cropping
if ( $height == 9999 )
$height = $width;
if ( $width == 9999 )
$width = $height;
// theme is not supporting but settings were not changed
if ( empty( $width ) ) {
$debug .= ‘Using default width;’;
$width = get_option( “thumbnail_size_w” );
if ( empty( $height ) ) {
$debug .= ‘Using default height;’;
$height = get_option( “thumbnail_size_h” );
$debug .= ‘Got sizes ‘.$width.’x’.$height.’;’;
// rendering related posts HTML
if ( $show_top )
$output .= stripslashes( get_option( ‘relpoststh_top_text’, $this->top_text ) );
$relpoststh_output_style = get_option( ‘relpoststh_output_style’, $this->output_style );
$relpoststh_cleanhtml = get_option( ‘relpoststh_cleanhtml’, 0 );
$text_height = get_option( ‘relpoststh_textblockheight’, $this->text_block_height );
if ($relpoststh_output_style == ‘list’) {
$output .= ‘<ul id=”related_posts_thumbnails”‘;
if (!$relpoststh_cleanhtml)
$output .= ‘ style=”list-style-type:none; list-style-position: inside; padding: 0; margin:0″‘;
$output .= ‘>’;