]]>Right now the description reflects the content on the page I’m sharing, how can I make a new description for the share information while keeping the page content the same?
do I need to edit the og description?
]]>My website is my passion but I have a few issues which I hope you can help me with. I have seen help but that involves making changes to code etc, something I am really not familiar with.
My main issue is that when I want to share things on Facebook, it does not show the meta description I keyed in Yoast WordPress SEO correctly. It looks something like that (with the right thumbnail though):
Unknown Metal Bands: Circle WavesPosted onApril 19, 2013 2:28 pmbyIronMaiden1973 Comment?Today we take a trip to Poland, the country known for…
I had this issue before meaning that when I simply posted on FB it would show some random post with the exact same beginning (Author, Date, Time). I fixed that by having now the Easy Share Facebook Thumbnail Plug in.
However, when I want to share a particular post, the above rubbhis description shows instead of the Meta Description. When debugging on Facebook it also says More Than One OG URL Specified. Even though I have deactived Open Graph on Yoast WordPress SEO. I heard that the issue might be Jetpack? But is there an idiot proof way to go about it?
All I want is the meta description showing as keyed on Yoast WordPress SEO with the correct picture and when I simply write I want it to show the meta description from my “Who is writing here” page.
Sorry for the long entry but reast assured, the Heavy Metal community will be forever greatful!
]]> when I try and upload an image. Thumbail folder is writable. Image is larger than 200px by 200px.
Any suggestions please
But when I reshare an old post the description and feature image thumbnails does show up.
Is there setting that turns the thumbnail feature on and off for single posts?
I have WP version 3.3.1 and Easy Facebook Share Thumbnails Version 1.7