I am getting this error when viewing any event. It shows up in the Author, Vendor, and Event listings wherever the description is located. eg Authors description, an error will display under the description text. As seen below.
Grace Presbyterian Church
All meetings are held at Grace Presbyterian unless otherwise indicated. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /hermes/bosnacweb04/bosnacweb04ap/b872/ipg.coastaldunesflcom/sabqg_2022/wp-content/plugins/wp-event-manager/wp-event-manager-template.php on line 3007
I am using Pods template to show details about authors and listing all their posts.
I have bidirectional relationship field connecting posts with custom post type “authors”. In order by field I entered this:
t.post_date DESC
Using instructions from here:
I am displaying list of authors’ posts using [each] in Pods template.
I get a list of posts by that author as I wanted and I display date and link to each post, but list is sorted by name (not by date as requested) and also for some reason in each loop post_name returns ok but post_title nothing?
Hope there is easy solution to this?
Thank you.
]]>`If I have a book with two authors in a relationship field with multiple select option, how do I put a link on both of the authors pointing to each of their pages.
This is what I put in the book template:
<a href=”{@book_author.guid}”>{@book_author}</a>
But when there are more than one authors, the result is this
<a href=”https://mysite.com/author1 and https://mysite.com/author2″>Author 1 and author 2″</a>
Everything is thrown together in one big href mess up. How can I fix this?`
My template is:
<!-- Edition exhibits -->
[if edition_exhibits]<h3><div>{@edition_year}</div></h3><p>
[each edition_exhibits]<div><a href="{@permalink}"><em>{@edition_exhibits.exhibit_title}</em></a>, with <a href="{@edition_exhibits.exhibit_artist.permalink}">{@edition_exhibits.exhibit_artist}</a></div>
And the html I get is:
<div><a href="https://mysite.com/exhibits/EXPO2021/"><em>EXPO2021</em></a>, with <a href="https://mysite.com/artists/pablo-picasso/, https://mysite.com/artists/piet-mondrian/, and https://mysite.com/artists/andy-warhol/ ">Pablo Picasso, Piet Mondrian and Andy Warhol</a></div>
when what I am looking for is:
<div><a href="https://mysite.com/exhibits/EXPO2021/"><em>EXPO2021</em></a>, with <a href="https://mysite.com/artists/pablo-picasso/ ">Pablo Picasso</a>, <a href="https://mysite.com/artists/piet-mondrian/ ">Piet Mondrian</a> and <a href="https://mysite.com/artists/andy-warhol/ ">Andy Warhol</a></div>.
Would it be helpful if you or anyone who knows to share the correct template and how and where I should manage the [each] tags. Thank you.
I need to solve this issue that I’m facing.. I want to display additional line of information in “Our bank account details”. I want to display reference number (which is different for every order”. I currently have this code <p><?php esc_html_e( 'Za referenco (sklic) uporabite "SI 00 ' . $order->get_order_number() . $order->get_date_created() . ' ". ', 'woocommerce' ); ?></p>
, which I placed into customer-on-hold-order.php
It displays the info that I need, however, it doesn’t show the date the way I need it. It writes the whole reference number as Za referenco (sklic) uporabite “SI 00 48602021-12-27T14:02:15+01:00 “., but I would need to show the reference number as SI 00 486028122021, which is SI 00 {order_number}{order_date}.
What I want to achieve is THIS
PLEASE, help me out with this, it’s very important, since it’s required for every bank transaction in Slovenia.
Kind regards
]]>I’d like to add a dynamic reference number for each order. What I mean by that is that I added all payment information and everything to the PDF. I’d like the reference number to be shown as SI 00 {order_number}
. I need that, because in Slovenia, we have to put a reference number when doing bank transfers.
Kind regards
]]>Thank you in advance.
]]><a href="{@current_team.permalink}">{@current_team} {@current_team.age_bracket}</a>
<select id="player_sel_id" name="player" class="players-list">
[each current_team]
[each players]
<option name="{@post_slug}" value="{@permalink,esc_url}" />{@post_title}</option>
document.getElementById("player_sel_id").addEventListener("change", function (event) {
location.href = event.target.value;
]]>Même s’il ne s’agit pour le moment que d’une alerte sans conséquence sur le fonctionnement du plugin, il me semblait important de vous prévenir de la dépréciation de la fonction each() depuis PHP 7.2 (qui pourra être remplacée par foreach() déjà utilisée dans la classe FPDI) :
PHP Deprecated: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in /wp-content/plugins/colissimo-shipping-methods-for-woocommerce/lib/FPDI/lpcFpdi.php on line 574
Plugin Colissimo v1.5
Excellente soirée,
Currently using this-
[pods name="organizations" limit="1" template="Organization Single"]
[if this_organization_jobs]
[each this_organization_jobs]
<!-- wp:heading {"level":3,"className":"parra1"} -->
<h3 class="parra1">{@post_title}</h3>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
<!-- wp:table -->
<figure class="wp-block-table"><table><tbody><tr><td><strong>Post Name</strong></td><td>{@job_post_name}</td></tr><tr><td><strong>Post No</strong></td><td>{@this_organization_jobs.no_of_posts}</td></tr><tr><td><strong>Job Location</strong></td><td>{@select_state.state_short_form} {@select_state.state_full_form}{@select_state.state_alone_form}</td></tr><tr><td><strong>Last Date to Apply</strong></td><td>{@last_date}</td></tr></tbody></table></figure>
<!-- /wp:table -->
<!-- wp:paragraph {"className":"viewf"} -->
<p class="viewf"><a href="{@permalink,esc_url}" class="rank-math-link">View Full Job Details</a></p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->