Can this plugin work by inserting content dynamically? That is, can it insert from a list the details of a location/suburb to a dynamic page with the short codes and display those requests on the fly to prospective customers searching.
The reason I am asking is that I am fearful of being penalised for duplicate content and the above method may get around that?
<!–/mfunc <?php echo W3TC_DYNAMIC_SECURITY; ?> –>
]]>We are working on CMS project (Ticketing website using WordPress), where we have both static and dynamic pages.
We are using wp3 total cache plugin.
As we have dynamic pages where some content of a particular section of the page is dynamic but does not trigger updates to wordpress. Hence cache plugin does not refresh the cache as there was no CRUD operation.
Few examples:
1. Scheduled pages – some of the URLs will become active at specific date and time.
2. Dynamic content – Content of a section of the page is changed. For example, page is already accessible to users from long time but purchase button gets enabled only when sale starts and this sale start is mananged within a widget.
Another example, purchase button needs to be enabled/disabled based on the availability of tickets. When tickets are sold out, we disable the purchase button. However this we are achieving with an API call to external system and hence there is no update triggered to wordpress. This is the reason cache does not get refreshed and old page is getting rendered which is incorrect.
We are trying to handle this situation via w3 total cache plugin’s fragmented cache feature but we are struggling to make it work.
We have done the page cache for whole page except some section or div (this should be dynamically fetch the data on every page load).
First time when we load the page, section or div data will be rendered properly with post_id (post_id from POST request). But when we reload page again after the page cache has done, We can’t track the post_id (since the page is loading from the page cache). Need to know the mechanism to load the data of particular part or div dynamically on every page load.
Any ideas/suggestions/solutions on how to achieve this will be greatly appreciated.
I am a bit confused about dynamic pages/content when using the plugin.
Is the plugin ok to use on directory based websites? Particularly those with search options where the user is redirected to a search results page based on their input? In other words the search pages can be different every time depending on the users choices.
Thanks for any advise.
and you will see all have the same meta title.
This snippet below is directly from my page template which is being used for those individual ingredients. I have a custom page template that’s pulling from a custom table (within the same WP db) and creating dynamic pages from the database. Within this page template, the SQL queries are being called directly, so there’s a call for the title to be pulled as well.
function assignPageTitle(){
global $item_title;
return $item_title . 'Your Best Source for Organic Food';
add_filter('wp_title', 'assignPageTitle');
I traced the title to the Theme Header and found that it calls for the wp_head action where I found this in the library/core.php file:
if ( ! function_exists( '_wp_render_title_tag' ) ) {
function cb_pre_4_1_title() {
<title><?php wp_title( '|', true, 'right' ); ?></title>
add_action( 'wp_head', 'cb_pre_4_1_title' );
Do I need to create an if statement that’s conditional on my page template or page ID to pull the titles? If so, I’d also need to create another SQL query within the core.php file itself to correctly display the title from my extra table.
Thank you so much, yours is by far the best SEO plugin!
]]>An example would be
Creates a dupe title issue, as a result it would be great if the former of the two urls could have a canonical set to go back to the shop main page and the same for any other orderby=XXXX
I guess the same may apply for searches? as they too contain dynamic url characters like ? and & to form a query.
This example is a WooCommerce shop page where the user has chosen a different order by option which dynamically changes the URL as a result this appears in our account as a duplicate title issue.
Is this possible at all? I thought about adding to robots.txt via the advanced tools in Yoast but not sure there is a meta tag that allows me to also target the source.
<link rel=”canonical” href=””/>
Is there a way to reference the source url in the above tag?
]]>Could I implement this using Gravity Forms which I currently have installed? How would I do that? If not, is there a plugin which does this?
Thank you
]]>I also use Store Locator Plus with addon Pages that creates dynamic pages (or posts) from my database of stores. The pages looks nice but the problem is that they are crated from shortcodes and Better Search do not “see” this information.
Some example of code is. ‘[storepage field=”address”] [storepage field=”zip”] [storepage field=”city”]’
Please see linked images. The search just see the words “address”, “zip”, “city” and do not read the dynamic created page. When i “inspect” a crated page the information really is there so I do not understand why Better Search do not see this. The information also is in the table “store_locator” but that is not seached.
Please advice if this can be solved in any way.
Image seach result:
Image actual page:
Example page: