To Fix:
go to Settings > Enable Legacy Mode > Enable Dynamic Mode
I am trying to ask my question on Support Forum on Your site, but every try to register is causing notice: “Error: Your email address or the domain has been banned from this website! Please use another email address.”
I have tried several e-mail adresses with no success, so I’ll try to ask here:
My Agency is developing website for local-newspaper in Poland – We have instaled AdRotate for ads managing, but there is HUGE problem when dynamic mode for ads is turned ON. Site go down in several minutes due to server overload by admin-ajax.php calls made by Your plugin.
Is there any way to solve this problem? The plugin is great, but we strongly need ads rotation working in this project.
Best regards
Bartlomiej Dwornik
We’re tracking with google analytics.
Is it possible to track the group, instead of each ad?
]]>Updated to the latest wordpress and plugin version, ad sizes are correct, no cache plugins and it still isn’t working. Searched the forum, found similar issues but nothing helps.
]]>I just test out this plugin, if it fits my needs. So I tried the “Dynamic Mode – Show a different Ad every vew seconds”. I set it to 10 Seconds, the Group 1×1 and added two Ads inside. When i don’t move my mouse the Ad changes all 10 Seconds, thats good, but when i enter the Sidebar div and leave it, every time i do that the Ad changes too.
Is that a Bug or am I just blind and don’t find the Setting for that? Can you help me?
]]>I manage a site for a client and we’ve been using your plugin for the moment, with a view to getting the pro or tying OIO. Adrotate has been performing well so I’d prefer to keep working with this. However the Dynamic Mode which is needed for ad rotation appears to conflict with our theme (Gabfire Advanced Newspaper).
When that mode is active, not only does it not work but the weather widget doesn’t load, the Ajax Recent/Popular posts which is tabbed is just stacked vertically, and a mid page slider is also stacking in rows instead of being compacted in a slide. Javascript conflict?
I’m not using minify in cache so not a cache prob. Is this likely to be fixed?
I’m using WP 3.52 on production site, 3.6 on a test site where it behaves the same in both versions. Latest version of ASdrotate.
Thanks for any help.