The dropdown does work if i view it via “Preview” in the form editor, but if i open the actual page, i see the default select.
I’m using “twentytwentyfour” theme, although i did try few other, but the result is the same.
]]>first of all, I really enjoy this plugin! It’s super helpful for people who aren’t coding experts! I watched this ( tutorial and it’s a great help. However, here (e.g. at 5:04 min) there is a checkbox “Enable user options”. In my version (4.15.4) this checkbox isn’t available. Was this discontinued or is there still a way to enable user options when using dynamic dropdowns with jQuery Select2?
If there still is a way to enable user options, could you please explain how to do this or point me to a ressource or tutorial?
Many thanks already!
"1": "one",
"2": "two",
"3": "three"
add_filter( 'cf7sg_custom_dynamic_select','student_name_dynamic_options',10,3);
* Filter dropdown options for dynamic drodpwn list of taxonomy terms.
* @param Array $options the option to filter.
* @param WPCF7_FormTag $tag field tag object.
* @param string $cf7_key the form unique key.
* @return Array $options return either an array of <option value>=><option label> pairs or 2 arrays, one for values and another for attributes.
function student_name_dynamic_options($options, $tag, $cf7_key){
if('ipad-incident-report'!==$cf7_key || 'student_name' !== $tag->name){
return $options;
//these are the label users will see when the dropdown opens.
//you can group your options if need be. Let's assume you have an array of arrays of data to display in groups.
//$data = ... //fetch your data, either from the database or some other source.
$data = array(
'1' => 'one',
'2' => 'two',
'3' => 'three'
foreach($data as $value=>$label){
//if you are displaying more complex select2 fields, or imagegrid for dynamic checkbox, then add extra parameters into a 2nd array of attributes,
//$options['attributes'][$values]= array('data-thumbnail'=>'<image url>');
return $options;
]]>I made a form with a custom sql-filled dynamic select, then i wrote validation function in functions.php, i am able to validate the field, and i get it in “feedback” call response, but the validation message is not shown in any span.wpcf7-not-valid-tip, as it does happen with the other fields.
I don’t know how to proceed with this issue.
My field in form is: [dynamic_select* contacto id:contacto class:select2 “source:filter”]
In functions.php:
add_filter( 'cf7sg_custom_dynamic_select','select_dynamic_options',10,3);
function select_dynamic_options($options, $tag, $cf7_key){
? ? global $wpdb;
? ?if('contacto'== $tag->name){
? ? ? ? ? ? try {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? $data = ?$wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT id, DESCRIPCION FROM ORIGEN_CONOCIMIENTO "),ARRAY_A);
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? $options["null"] = array("Seleccione una opción");
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? for($i = 0; $i < count($data) ; $i++){
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? $key = $data[$i]['id']."";
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? $val = $data[$i]['DESCRIPCION'];
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? $options[$key] = array($val);
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? ? ? }catch (Exception $e) {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? echo 'Caught exception: ', ?$e->getMessage(), "\n";
? ? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ?
? ? }
? return $options;
add_filter( 'wpcf7_validate_dynamic_select*', 'dynamic_select_obligatorio_custom_validation_filter', 20, 2 );
function dynamic_select_obligatorio_custom_validation_filter($result, $tag){
? ? if('contacto'== $tag->name){
? ? ? ? ? ? //echo "A probar contacto: " . $_POST['contacto'] . "\r\n";
? ? ? ? ? ? try {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? if(!is_numeric($_POST['contacto'])){
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? $result->invalidate($tag,"Debe informar este campo.");
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return $result;
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? ? ? }catch (Exception $e) {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? $result->invalidate($tag,"Error procesando este campo.");
? ? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? }
? ? return $result;
And the response i get is:
{“contact_form_id”:5824,”status”:”validation_failed”,”message”:”Ha habido alg\u00fan error procesando la informaci\u00f3n. Revise los datos introducidos y vuelva a intentarlo.”,”invalid_fields”:[{“field”:”contacto”,”message”:”Debe informar este campo.”,”idref”:”contacto”,”error_id”:”wpcf7-f5824-p5832-o1-ve-contacto”}],”posted_data_hash”:””,”into”:”#wpcf7-f5824-p5832-o1″}
But the span with .not-valid-tip class is not shown.
]]>Thanks a lot for the epic work you did on this plugin. I enjoy using it a lot, and dynamic lists are a bless to work with.
I was wondering if the following would be possible:
One custom post type exists: ‘trainings’. Each training has a couple of possible starting dates. I’d like a contact form to dynamicly present the existing trainings, and when somebody did that, I’d like the available dates to appear in a next dynamic list.
Would that be possible? And if yes, how would I proceed best? I can think of either:
– making another custom post type ‘training-dates’ and have a one to many relation between them: One ‘training’ can have multiple ‘training-dates’ assigned to it.
– making a custom taxonomy ‘training-dates’ and assign possible dates to each ‘training’
– making a repeated custom field ‘training-dates’ containing the possible dates per ‘training’
Would it be possible in any of these scenarios to have a second dynamic dropdown in a form that populates according to the selection in a first dynamic dropdown?
Thanks an awful lot for thinking along!
Best regards,
thanks again for the pluggin, it’s awesome
I have a question with attributes. I use select2 in several projects, normally I use data-* attributes in selects
<select class=”select2″ data-disabled-search=”1″ data-sample=”test”></select>
How can I include data-* attributes in a field based on dynamic dropdown
]]>first off, thanks for your job, awesome plugin!
I want to config the dynamic dropdown down with the following options:
placeholder: {
id: “”,
text: “Select an option…”
theme: ‘classic’,
dropdownAutoWidth: true,
width: ‘100%’,
allowClear: true,
dropdownParent: document.getElementById(“select-box”),
dropdownCssClass: “select2-dropdown-wrapper”,
selectionCssClass: “select2-selection-wrapper”,
minimumResultsForSearch: Infinity
I don’t see how to do it, I needed to implement it fast and I have modified the plugin code with this, but it is not good practice
s2options[‘placeholder’] = {id: “”, text: “Select an option…”}
s2options[‘theme’] = “classic”
s2options[‘dropdownAutoWidth’] = true
s2options[‘width’] = “100%”
s2options[‘allowClear’] = true
s2options[‘dropdownParent’] = document.getElementById(“select-box”)
s2options[‘dropdownCssClass’] = “select2-dropdown-wrapper”
s2options[‘selectionCssClass’] = “select2-selection-wrapper”
s2options[‘minimumResultsForSearch’] = Infinity
Thanks in advance
]]>On Local installation:
Wordpress 5.7.1
PHP 7.4.16
Theme: Hello Elementor V 2.3.1
Elementor (V 3.1.4)
Elementor Pro (V 3.2.1)
Form 7 (V 5.4)
CF7 Smart Grid Design Extension (V 4.10.0)
Flamingo (V 2.2.1)
i am working with a dynamic generated dropdwon (select) menu in my Contact Form 7 Form (The Tag is: [select* events include_blank data:events]).
So the dropdown-items “data:events” are generated dynamically via php depending on the page. So far so god.
But in the edit view in the backend crm does not show the dropdown entries, because they are genereated depending on the page. I just see an empty dropdwon. And when i safe my changes, the dropdwon-field is cleared.
Do you see a way to solve this problem?
]]>the next one to attempt mapping dynamic dropdowns, showing taxonomy terms, created with CF7 Smart Grid, to taxonomies.
What i don’t want in first sight:
Creating an empty menu-select and fill it with JS with the selected term(s) from the dynamic dropdown.
Instead i want to try the filter, that is offered by the mapping tool.
function filter_my_post_type_my_taxonomy($value, $post_id, $form_data){
//$value is the post field value to return, by default it is empty. If you are filtering a taxonomy you can return either slug/id/array. in case of ids make sure to cast them integers.(see for more information.)
//$post_id is the ID of the post to which the form values are being mapped to
// $form_data is the submitted form data as an array of field-name=>value pairs
return $value;
How can i test the content of $form_data inside the filter or how is the variable structured when more then one value/term is selected?
I will test that all out now, so no hurry on your side.