As yba1 mentioned 1 year and 2 months ago, different orders may get the same order number generated by the plugin, even though their original order IDs (aka post IDs) in WooCommerce remain unique. This issue occurs when two or more orders are placed simultaneously.
Could you kindly fix this bug?
We are developing a hotel booking site using woocommerce. We are about to finish the development, now the problem is the orders are duplicated with different order id and have receiving 2 emails and 2 sms notifications for the same order. Also the payments are asking to pay twice for the already partially paid order. Seeing the logs on Woocommerrce> status>logs, we received “Transactional email triggered fatal error for callback woocommerce_email_order_meta”. Sometimes, the orders appeared to be 1 time, most of the times , the orders are duplicated. Also when we see the orders on Woocommerce>orders , the duplicate orders with different order id appears to be completed and when we see the orders on pending payments, the duplicate orders with different order id appears to be in pending payment.
The plugin used to work fine, the webhook sends an email address to Zapier via webhook to add an email to our list.
However since Thursday, Sept 11th. (When WP updated):
The Webhook now triggers the same email multiple times to Zapier when a user subscribes.
And it varies, some times it’ll trigger once, another will trigger 11 times and the another 5 times, etc
I searched the support entries but didn’t see anything that looked applicable. My question is, is it possible that once a user signs up for one volunteer opportunity, their signup can be “duplicated” to additional opportunities at different times on the same day or to different days with differing times?
I run a Special Needs baseball league and utilize your plugin to register “buddies” that volunteer to come out and assist our athletes. We have 3 games per Saturday and rather than having buddies have to register for every game on every Saturday, I would like to be able to duplicate their signup to additional times and days if possible even if it is an admin only function that I need to undertake. If it could be implemented overall, I think that may add some welcome functionality for those signing up for multiple volunteer opportunities.
Other than that, this plugin has been a Godsend for us!
Thank you,
Rick Davies
Let’s say I take a theme, I create pages, I make setting changes – to colors and font’s and set template pages + I fill out data – I add text, images + I add slide shows and galleries…
Is there a way I can capture all of these settings + data – so that I can roll out the same website many times?
I’m guessing there is, since themes come with data importing (can’t remember what it’s called).