The reason for that is I don’t to use word break on all categories for better user experience.
I couldn’t find the css class for that, dtNode:active something like that?
]]>First of all, archive display works great… but I don’t need it.
I want to display posts of a CPT in a taxonomy tree exactly as you can see on your screenshot for categories. I have two custom taxo and each posts have this two taxo filled with one term. For example in videos CPT, I have a first taxo – type – : movies, series or short film and a second taxo – style – : Sci-Fi, drama or comedy.
First of all, I just tried to display my posts with a single taxonomy :
$args = array(
'taxonomy' => 'type',
'orderby' => 'name',
'show_count' => 0,
'hierarchical' => 0,
'hide_empty' => 1,
'useicons' => 1,
'cache' => 0
wpdt_list_categories( $args );
I see only taxonomies, not posts, and taxonomies are display as post (no folder icon). wpdt_list_taxonomies give the same result.
I also try wpdt_list_taxonomies with posttype = my_CPT_name but result is empty. And with wpdt_list_categories, tree display WP categories (which are not link to CPT specified).
I search in wpdt_get_taxonomies_defaults() but it’s not very explicit and I don’t find documentation about it.
If you have clues…
Thank you.
]]>I just create a business web site for my business. i want to use that kind of widget but i got a problem. my tree looks like massed up whatever i did try with css. Could you please help me about this issue.
Also, you can check that picture.
like this
]]>Well what if i want to show descendants of a category and still hide the empty ones…?
]]>#dtree_pge1 a.node {width:100px !important;}
I’m using wp-dtree 3.5 and it seems to work on all pages that call it except for the front page. I’ve changed another page to be the front page, an it then worked on the former front page, but not the new one. Any one know why this might be?
]]>dTree works fine in the admin preview, but displays nothing in my blog.
see problem demo
see sidebar
must be a problem with my theme.
How could a theme break dTree?
You can see in my demo that no menu plugins are working quite right.
]]>When i enter BB page i don’t want to show CC category and when i enter DD page i don’t want to show AA category.
i searched but not found anythink like this. thanks…
]]>I have running WP-dTree 3.4.1 on WP 2.6.1
To sort posts within a category by title instead of date, I found
and changed the lines 74 and 88 in wp-dtree_cat-functions.php as shown:
//.” ORDER BY “.$wpdb->posts.”.post_date DESC”;
.” ORDER BY “.$wpdb->posts.”.post_title ASC”;
The I deactivated the plugin an activated the plugin.
But within a category, the posts remain sorted by date. But I want to have them sorted by title alphabetically.
Please help.