I’ve recently created a contact form and have the autoresponse set up using Mail(2).
However, in the dropdown box, there are different industries to choose from. I need to set it up so that when someone chooses one option, they get the autoresponse email with the relevant pdf attached.
]]>IF((fieldname8, SP) * AND((fieldname7 > 2879.17)) , 2879.17, IF((fieldname8, SP) * AND(fieldname7, < 2879.17) , fieldname7 , IF(fieldname8, MP) * (AND(fieldname7 > 3629.17 , fieldname7) , 3629.17 , fieldname7)))
Fieldname8 is a dropdown box with just 2 options: SP and MP, each with a number value.
The Excel equation looks like this: =IF((B17="SP")*AND(B14>2879.17),2879.17,IF((B17="SP")*AND(B14<2879.17),B14,IF((B17="MP")*AND(B14>3629.17,B14),3629.17,B14)))
Obviously B17 is fieldname7 and B14 is fieldname8 (a number)
i’m having a quick question:
Is there a way to remove the dropdown box or at least make it smaller? Because its way to big…
How can we add a country dropdown box to the registration page ?
]]>Thanks for the plugin and it is working well for my site. Would you consider adding in a feature to allow readers to be able to jump to specific page via a drop down box? (drop down options will show all the different page numbers so reader can also click on the page number to go directly to the page)
While I understand that the thumbnails function also allows user to click on the thumbnail and jump to the page, for booklets with a large number of pages, the dropdown box will be a faster option.
]]>I really need some help! I am using the enfold theme and woocommerce on my website – www.asterandoak.com.au and for some reason in the size dropdown box in products there is prices next to the size. I want the price gone, but dont know how!
Please help!
I am very new to WordPress as well as coding and I am stuck with one of the form field, which has a select box for listing all categories and sub-categories (taxonomies) in it. But I would like a seperate select box for displaying sub-categories for the selected category dynamically.
Below is the code in functions.php:
function mytheme_get_categories($taxo, $selected = "", $include_empty_option = "", $ccc = "")
$args = "orderby=name&order=ASC&hide_empty=0&parent=0";
$terms = get_terms( $taxo, $args );
$ret = '<select name="'.$taxo.'_cat" class="'.$ccc.'" id="'.$ccc.'">';
if(!empty($include_empty_option)) $ret .= "<option value=''>".$include_empty_option."</option>";
if(empty($selected)) $selected = -1;
foreach ( $terms as $term )
$id = $term->term_id;
$ret .= '<option '.($selected == $id ? "selected='selected'" : " " ).' value="'.$id.'">'.$term->name.'</option>';
$args = "orderby=name&order=ASC&hide_empty=0&parent=".$id;
$sub_terms = get_terms( $taxo, $args );
foreach ( $sub_terms as $sub_term )
$sub_id = $sub_term->term_id;
$ret .= '<option '.($selected == $sub_id ? "selected='selected'" : " " ).' value="'.$sub_id.'"> | '.$sub_term->name.'</option>';
$ret .= '</select>';
return $ret;
and the code in post_new.php is as below:
<li><h2><?php echo __('Category', 'mytheme'); ?>:</h2>
<p><?php echo mytheme_get_categories("ad_cat",
!isset($_POST['ad_cat_cat']) ? (is_array($cat) ? $cat[0]->term_id : "") : $_POST['ad_cat_cat']
, __("Select Category","mytheme"), "do_input"); ?></p>
<?php do_action('mytheme_after_category_li'); ?>
Any help is much appreciated as I have been trying to do this for over a week now.
Thank you.
]]>As the topic title says, I am trying to add in a dropdown box function for new users to be able to select their location before registering for the site.
Is there a plugin that will be able to do this, or some other way.
Many thanks