To replicate this issue, do the following:
The environment I’m working on is:
These are the troubleshoot steps that I’ve taken so far:
The behavior in all the different environments was the same, the CPT Post with no support for title no editor is saved as “draft” when I click “Publish” and it’s impossible to change the status to “publish” by clicking “Publish”.
I currently don’t have access to a different Computer or OS.
There are some things that I found out though:
The only way in which I can change the status to “publish” once the post is saved as “draft” without adding support for the editor and not showing in rest is by doing this:
I’m doing all of this using the Admin user.
I guess it may have to do with some recent update in Gutenberg that I’m not aware of, given that I tried an old version of WP (6.3.1) and the most recent one (6.4.3) that comes bundled with Local, and in both cases, the result is the same.
]]>I already use a filter when only admins add a product.
]]>When left unchecked, any product in your Etsy shop which is no longer active will be automatically set to draft status; any product in your Etsy shop which was previously inactive and has become active will be automatically set to publish status.
I have checked and unchecked that box and all my products are changed to DRAFT status after pulling info from Etsy. Apparently this setting is no longer working and I need it to work.
]]>Thank you so much for adding back the work-around for the current WP bug on the edit_published_posts when post status is “Published”. I really really appreciate it b/c an important project I’m working on won’t work or move forward without that fix. So thank you! In the meantime, looks like WP may be releasing the patch in 5.4 (hoping).
That said, I can’t tell, but I think the work-around for this in PublishPress Capabilities v1.9 (latest as of today) may have implemented a new issue where an Author can’t unpublish a post, or set the post from Publish to Draft status.
I may be mistaken, but wanted to bring it to your attention to double-check and maybe you can let me know if that’s the case or if it’s something else.
Thanks so much again. Huge appreciation.
]]>Web address is
]]>Question: i need to populate the drop down only the the post that are in draft satus, is there a hook to do please?
$child_pages = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_parent = ".$post->ID." AND post_type = 'page' ORDER BY menu_order", 'OBJECT');
if ( $child_pages ) :
foreach ( $child_pages as $pageChild ) :
setup_postdata( $pageChild );
$thumbnail = get_the_post_thumbnail($pageChild->ID, 'thumbnail');
if($thumbnail == "") continue; // Skip pages without a thumbnail
<div class="thumbnail">
<?= $thumbnail ?>
I found the code via this post:
Everything works fine except that I just realized it is also displaying the featured images from pages that have not yet been published and are set as draft. You can see an example on this page: the first thumbnail is for a page that has not yet been published.