I’m trying to update the download link to some digital products in woocommerce via csv.
I exported the products with id, name and download (name+ link), changed the links and imported the csv to update the products (using the default woocommerce import/exporter)
1. The updating of the links worked fine, but I noticed that all the download permissions from previous orders are gone now (luckily i’ve run a test on just a few products).
Does anyone know how to avoid this?
2. I’ve tried to regenerate the download permissions in the orders manually. It worked on some but for other it didn’t generate the permissions. When I tried to grant access for each product manually I got this error:
“Could not grant access – the user may already have permission for this file or billing email is not set. Ensure the billing email is set, and the order has been saved.”
Why does this happen and how can it be fixed?
Thanks in advance, any help is much appreciated.
]]>“Could not grant access – the user may already have permission for this file or billing email is not set. Ensure the billing email is set, and the order has been saved.”
]]>This makes it very difficult! Can’t automatically add new downloads to old invoices or customers who have already purchased the product?
Is there a solution?
]]>I run an e-commerce site and I’m in trouble.
I sell digital products and, when updating to Woocommerce 3 my Amazon S3 plugin didn’t work and it messed up things a little bit.
All the products that contained .exe and .dmg extensions were not allowed, and therefore the download files were automatically deleted.
Long story short, now I have thousands of customers without download permissions. They have to e-mail me saying “why there aren’t any downloads?”, then I manually go to their order and regenerate the permissions.
I could go order by order (70,000 of them) and regenerate the permissions, but I think there should be an easy way!
I haven’t been able to find any feature in Woocommerce, any plugin or any answer on forums that does this, can anybody help?
]]>I sell digital products and I have a custom script that always shows the download links in “My Account > Downloads” even if they are expired. The problem is that even having this, some customers can’t see their purchases there. I’ve seen that’s because the download permissions of their orders have been deleted.
This happens randomly, and I haven’t seen any reason why this happens to some orders and not on others.
I thought the download permissions had to be deleted on purpose in order to prevent someone to keep downloading the files. Is there something I’m missing?