I manually published one of our posts to both networks.
In each of them I see the content of the post twice. One right below the heading and the second right below it with a pic on the left.
How do we remove one of these so it only displays once when posted?
Also how do we selected which pic will be displayed? In FB it appears to show part of the header from our WordPress site. On Twitter it doesn’t display any pic but has an empty box next to the text of the post.
]]>My config is fairly simple: it should be kicking out 1 random draft-status post every 4 hours, with the schedule restarted if I manually publish something(we’ll come back to this in a separate possibly-related issue). Everything else is left default or disabled as applicable.
I have a cron job poking WordPress every 15min.
In the past it’s been an occasional thing, but recently it’s started happening multiple times a day and it’s really messing with my scheduling.
The site has a fairly minimal setup, with no other plugins that should be affecting anything about scheduling or publishing. There is one(WP-Twitter) that does fire after a publish event but it was in place even before I started using APS.
The only other thing publishing-related is that I’ve recently started using the WordPress iOS app much more to create the draft posts. This might initially seem unrelated except that there definitely is something different about publishing from it(for example it doesn’t trigger the WP-Twitter plugin for some reason) so I wonder if maybe something about drafting from it could also be at play here?
]]>If I use the set up of user 1 submitting post to user 2 to be reviewed, when it is reviewed and then published there are then two instances of the activity update published.
If I just publish a post directly, I get one update as it should be.
Can it be fixed so only one update publishes when posting is set up as approval required?
I have no idea how to rectify this problem. Any assistance you could give would be greatly appreciated.
PS. This is a new WP install with all the last versions of themes (Divi) and plugins.
]]>Test events are set for Tuesday, May 10 but the event shows up on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Can you help?
]]>General Fatals: Sorry, We Couldn’t Parse the Article: Don’t worry, we are looking into this! Please try again shortly.
And then the first version of the story on Facebook interface /ON FACEBOOK under publisher tools instant articles
General Errors: Empty Instant Article: The Instant Article does not have any content.
General Errors: Empty Instant Article: The Instant Article does not have any content.
General Errors: Empty Instant Article: The Instant Article does not have any content.
General Errors: Empty Instant Article: The Instant Article does not have any content.
General Errors: Empty Instant Article: The Instant Article does not have any content.
General Errors: Empty Instant Article: The Instant Article does not have any content.
General Errors: Empty Instant Article: The Instant Article does not have any content.
General Errors: Empty Instant Article: The Instant Article does not have any content.
General Errors: Empty Instant Article: The Instant Article does not have any content.
General Errors: Empty Instant Article: The Instant Article does not have any content.
General Errors: Empty Instant Article: The Instant Article does not have any content.
ON FACEBOOK under publisher tools instant articles
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04/14/2016 at 1:40pm
Low rates, troubled loans send bank profits lower
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04/14/2016 at 1:40pm
]]>The email verification is for the double opt in – it holds the form that was submitted until the user clicks a link in their email and then it submits the form data through to our email. I suspect (based on time stamps) what is happening is that the Contact Form DB is posting it both times – when it’s initially submitted and then once it clears the verification. Is there a way to install or edit the code so that it only captures one of these points or even de-dupes itself on the database side?
Thanks so much!