The donor is getting two identical receipt emails.
And then I am getting two identical notification emails.
How to fix this?
]]>Depuis quelques jours plusieurs membres de mon site m’ont contacté pour me dire que les messages hebdomadaires de synthèse leur parviennent en quadruple exemplaires, je parle du mail intitulé “Bonjour “pseudo”,
Votre profil a été visité xx fois.
Voici une sélection de membres qui pourraient vous intéresser : suivi de photos de quelques membres ”
Comment remédier à ce défaut ?
Merci de votre aide une fois de plus
]]>Post Author receives 2 emails when new_comment_posted and options[notify_authors] is checked in Admin.
So when a user posts a new comment, function new_comment_posted() is called. [ wp_subscribe_reloaded.php : L263 ]
Here is your process
STEP 1 : notify subscribers
[ wp_subscribe_reloaded.php : L343 ] – loop subscribers
[ wp_subscribe_reloaded.php : L344 ] – skip the user who posted this new comment
[ wp_subscribe_reloaded.php : L345 ] – notify_user
STEP 2 : notify post author
[ wp_subscribe_reloaded.php : L351 ] – If the case, notify the author
[ wp_subscribe_reloaded.php : L360 ] – notify_user
Here is the issue,
In fact Post Author is in the subscriber list. So he was already notified, we dont have to notify him again ( notify_authors option is checked )
Do Step 2 before Step 1 and use a flag in Step 2 to inform that Author was already notified.
$isAuthorNotified = false;
// If the case, notify the author ( MOVE THIS BEFORE )
if ( get_option( 'subscribe_reloaded_notify_authors', 'no' ) == 'yes' ) {
$post_author_id = get_post_field( 'post_author', $info->comment_post_ID );
$post_author_data = get_userdata( $post_author_id );
$post_author_email = $post_author_data->user_email;
// send email to author unless the author made the comment
if ( $info->comment_author_email != $post_author_email ) {
$this->notify_user( $info->comment_post_ID, $post_author_email, $_comment_ID );
$isAuthorNotified = true;
// Send a notification to all the users subscribed to this post
if ( $info->comment_approved == 1 ) {
$subscriptions = $this->get_subscriptions(
), array(
), array(
// Now verify if the comments has a parent comment, if so, then this comment is a reply.
if ( ! empty( $info->comment_parent ) ) {
$subscriptions = array_merge(
$subscriptions, $this->get_subscriptions(
'parent', 'equals', array(
foreach ( $subscriptions as $a_subscription ) {
// Skip the user who posted this new comment
if ( $a_subscription->email != $info->comment_author_email ) {
if ( $a_subscription->email == $post_author_email && $isAuthorNotified ) {
$this->notify_user( $info->comment_post_ID, $a_subscription->email, $_comment_ID );
Do you think, is it a good thing or not ?
Take Care,
[email protected] with
]]>What do I miss?
Looking forward to your help.
All the best
I figured out how/why some people are seeing double e-mails on a post Update. We’re using Customify theme and Profile Builder. Enabling either would cause the problem.
When the Update button is hit, the post.php script gets called two times. The first time does the content update, the second time does Meta data updates. Both times trigger the ‘publish_to_publish’ action.
In the bnfw->update_post function, add the following test:
if ( isset($_GET) && count($_GET) > 0 && isset($_GET['meta-box-loader']) )
This will prevent meta-data updates from triggering a second e-mail.
I’ve only debugged this one occurance, so if anyone is having problems with double emails someplace else, this may or may not solve it.
Hope this helps,
Brad M.
]]>I did not find an answer for how I can turn off the WordPress automatic email and I was expecting that the plugin managed this issue automatically. How do I turn off the WordPress email so my subscribers receive only the Email Subscribers notification?
]]>How can I set it to receive only one email?
]]>I don’t know if this has been asked before (I couldn’t find it), but I’d like for the second email field (when selecting the “enable double email entry…”) to appear on the same line as the first – similar to the option to “follow the previous field”.
I don’t see an option for it, so if anyone knows of a way to implement this, I’d sure be grateful if they could share it with me.
]]><p>Agence ou Pole<br/>
[select* Agence "" "Arras | [email protected]" "Aulnay-sous-Bois | [email protected]" "Bordeaux | [email protected]" ]
[select* Pole "" "Transport d'énergie | [email protected]" "Distribution d'énergie | [email protected]" "Eau et génie civil | gé[email protected]"] </p>
If an email is chosen in the first select, the second select is blocked and the contact form send the mail to this email, and conversely.
How to do that ? Thanks