So, installing is pretty straight forward, no real issues, and you can add fields to products just fine.
However, a few caveats.
It does not work for grouped products, only simple ones.
When viewing the grouped product, you can see the simple products “underneath”. There isn’t a way to add the input fields here without extensive re-templating (and I wasn’t paid for that, so I never tried).
Front-end work aside, the customer input does not show on the orders. Which is kinda the whole point of the plugin.
On another note, this does not work with WooCommerce product import.
Exporting seems fine, but importing does nothing, and I had to write up SQL just to sort that out. However, I am not sure if this is a WooCommerce thing.
Thanks in advance for your work! I checked to see if my theme’s header.php had a wp_head function, and it does. Similarly for the wp_function. Good on both counts.
However, when I try to add a google conversion tracking script to an individual page, it does not save in the editor nor do I see it in the page’s source code when it renders in the browser.
Note that the sitewide functionality of this plugin is working (search for “8254” in the source code and you’ll see the global site tag being rendered for all pages.
Thanks for your help: I purchased your plugin and look forward to getting it to work!
]]>Please help me..
]]>When/if a subscriber fills out at misspelled their email adress, and I want to edit it in mailpoet it looks like it saves my correction, but it does not.
E.g. one spelled [email protected] and it needs to be [email protected].
Any fix for this?
]]>Anyone else having this problem with the latest update version 7.7?
]]>I’m using an HTML 5 Genesis 2.0.2 theme from Studiopress: Enterprise Pro. When I apply a new setting in your plugin for a widget, i.e. ‘display tablet’ or ‘hidden phone’ and then want to switch back to ‘show on all devices’, the ‘show all devices’ option does not save. It reverts back to the most recently saved setting. I can toggle between any of the choices from that point forward, and the desired settinng saves, but not ‘show on all devices’ It just doesn’t stick again. Any ideas?
PS: developing site localhost, so I can’t provide a link.
I’m about to change themes to a non- HTML 5 theme, so perhaps that’ll help. If so, I’ll check back and report that. If situation is the same, I’ll have a link to share then.