This only started happening recently and isn’t happening on my local or staging sites, only the production site. The few differences in the production site are things like object caching. Of course debugging the live site without access to a step debugger, etc is a bit tricky. Likewise disabling plugins on a busy live site isn’t fun either.
I’ve worked around the issue with this:
function cc_search_distinct($where)
if (is_search()) {
return "DISTINCT";
return $where;
add_filter('posts_distinct', 'cc_search_distinct');
That fixes the issue for me, but I’m not certain what changed in my setup where I suddenly need this. I suspect it has something to do with the sql_distinct
function in act-better-search/src/Search/Request.php
but inspecting those conditions on the live site isn’t easy.
On any archive page I want only one post for each registry, 4 posts for the example above.
How can I make the query select only distinct values of the registry?
I’m trying to do it with the ‘pre_get_post’ hook, but cannot figure out how to set the “DISTINCT” operator on the query.
I have just downloaded polylang. Congrats! It’s what I have been look for many months now!
I have placed the widget on the header menu and the languages are right after my website’s tabs. How could I place them on the other side, separated I mean? In other words, how could I place the language switcher on the header, but separeted from the rest of the menu?
Thanks in advance,
]]>Select distinct column from table
and have all of these values populate a dropdown box that can be then used in a search?
name / age / class
josh 15 15 expert
mike 17 17 expert
joe 15 15 expert
The dropdown would populate with 15 expert and 17 expert and selecting “17 expert” from the drop down would return mike / 17 / 17 expert
]]>I just need to modify something :
– i have recurring events in my database(for example an event each sunday, the title is always the same) so in my widget in the newsletter, i can see 50 items with the same title, i would like to have the last differents events (i want 50 differents titles), so may be i have to put a DISTINCT in the select loop i think, but where ?
THanks a lot!!!
isabelle from France
]]>For example, if I would like to have one website/blog about being a dog groomer at:, and a completely different website/blog about being a skydiver at:, can I do this? And if so, can I manage them as two distinct entities? And can website users see them as two distinct entities (without them appearing as subdomains / subdirectories of a single domain in the URL bar)?
I have had a good look at past posts but it’s still not clear to me if / how this is possible.
I am very non-techie, so when faced with the choice of subdomains or subdirectories in my network setup page, I have no idea which to choose or if either will ever be able to help me achieve the above.
PS – I haven’t set up a website yet, as would like to understand this issue before I do
Any help gratefully received. Many thanks in advance
My problem is on get_related, using the actual loop/code on the wiki docs. Some of the post on the loop are duplicates.
Related Items:
– Item 1
– Item 1
– Item 2
– Item 3
– Item 4
My Code:
// Find connected pages
$related = p2p_type( 'consultant_to_service' )->get_related( get_queried_object() );
// Display connected pages
if ( $related->have_posts() ) :
<h3>Related Consultant:</h3>
<?php while ( $related->have_posts() ) : $related->the_post(); ?>
<li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>
<?php endwhile; ?>
endif; wp_reset_postdata();
Please help me. Thank you.
]]>I’ve got 2 connected CPTs: Project and Testimonial, it’s a many-to-many connection.
I’ve got the following situation where I want to select all the projects that have got testimonials connected. However, if there are multiple testimonials, let’s say 3, are connected to a project then I end up having that project in my results 3 times.
I want to select unique / distinct projects in case there multiple testimonials are connected to it.
Is there a way to do it? To choose unique / distinct posts or group them by ID? I can’t figure out.
Here is what I’ve got so far:
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'project',
'order' => 'ASC',
'orderby' => 'menu_order',
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'connected_type' => 'project_to_testimonial',
'connected_items' => 'any',
'connected_direction' => 'to',
'post__in' => <ids_of_specific_projects>,
I would hugely appreciate any tips and pointers.
Many thanks, Dasha