However could use improvement. Total agree with the review “Almost perfect”. I’m using on very large websites and the bigger problem for me is unable to Exclude?certain categories from showing, i’m just nit picking.
so I’ll start over, again.
I’m thinking of creating one page, then using display-posts for each other section. This sounds like the simplest layout and easy up update.
also, what’s a good base-theme to use?
]]>The problem is that doesn’t find any post style.
Thank you
]]>First of all, thank you for this amazing light-weight theme. It works like charm!
However, I just have this issue which I could not solve.
When I add “Display Post” widget to the sidebar and choose one of the 3 different grid view display style, CSS acts like the sidebar has 3 column inside as if it’s like related posts widget and it couse such a view: (By the way, it works great on mobile)
What I want to do this, I’d like to add some posts to sidebar in grid style vertically. Maybe this’d give you an idea:
Since this is a build-in widget, I think it should be fixed for the sake of the theme.
I’ll also search for an easy solution (probably by editing grid view 2 or 3 style to act like it’s just 1 column) and will post the solution if I can find.
Have a nice day,
]]>Is there a way to display the post of user according to their profile id? I know there is a setting to display post by author id, but what I’m trying to achieve is to incorporate the post list in their profile.
I have read this thread –>
I have tried that one and works really well, but when the user is viewing another profile, he/she just sees his/her own post. Is there way or any function available to achieve this?
Thank you so much in advance. Currently, I am using Ultimate member for profile management. I do want to use your plugin to list the post of users.
More power to you! Your plugin is really one of a kind.
I can’t change the search result to display the full post instead of just the excerpt. It only shows the excerpt and when I change it in the theme options customize to “content” or “no content” it doesn’t change anything.